我想從兩個不同的表中提取數據以獲得以下內容 - 請參閱附加圖像The data that I am after。我的目標是讓存款人的數量獨立於每天活躍的玩家。也就是說,如果玩家存款但沒有玩,我仍然希望玩家被計數。將兩個PostgreSQL表中的數據合併爲一個
我正在使用下面的代碼,但結果不是我以後的 - 看圖像The data that I am getting。我只在每個國家/地區每行獲得一個calendar_date(2017-01-01)。這兩個日期的數據總結爲一個&還有另一行數據(在存儲器& Total_Deposit_Amount下),它不屬於任何國家。這些數據應該分佈在各個國家之間。
--temporary table for start_date
WITH Temp_Start_Date as
select CAST('2017-01-01' AS date)
--temporary table for end_date
Temp_End_Date as
select CAST('2017-01-03' AS Date)
--temporary table for calendar date
Temp_Calendar_Date as
SELECT 1 as LinkDate
,calendar_date::date from generate_series('2017-01-01',
CURRENT_DATE -212, '1 day'::interval) calendar_date
--temporary table for bet_transactions
Temp_bet_transactions AS
SELECT BT.account_id
, P.username
WHEN P.country_code = '1' then '1'
WHEN P.country_code = '2' then '2'
WHEN P.country_code = '3' then '3'
WHEN P.country_code = '4' then '4'
WHEN P.country_code = '5' then '5'
WHEN P.country_code = '6' then '6'
ELSE '7'
END AS Country
, 1 AS LinkDate
, SUM(CAST(CAST(money_amount_cents AS DECIMAL (18,2))/100 AS DECIMAL (18,2))) AS Turnover
FROM accounts A
JOIN players P ON A.player_id = P.id
JOIN ONLY bet_transactions BT ON A.id = BT.account_id
WHERE BT.created_at >= (SELECT * FROM Temp_Start_Date)
AND BT.created_at < (SELECT * FROM Temp_End_Date)
AND BT.status = 'accepted'
AND amount_cents <> 0
1, 2, 3
--temporary table for depositors
Temp_depositors AS
SELECT account_id
, 1 AS LinkDate
, SUM(CAST(CAST(money_amount_cents AS DECIMAL (18,2))/100 AS DECIMAL (18,2))) AS Total_Deposit_Amount
FROM deposit_transactions D
WHERE D.created_at >= (SELECT * FROM Temp_Start_Date)
AND D.created_at < (SELECT * FROM Temp_End_Date)
AND status = 'accepted'
1, 2
--get result
SELECT TCD.calendar_date
, BT.country
, COUNT(DISTINCT BT.account_id) AS Active_Players
, COUNT(DISTINCT DT.account_id) AS Depositors
, SUM(DT.Total_Deposit_Amount) AS Total_Deposit_Amount
, SUM(BT.Money_Bet) AS Turnover
FROM Temp_Calendar_Date TCD
JOIN Temp_bet_transactions BT ON TCD.LinkDate = BT.LinkDate
FULL OUTER JOIN Temp_depositors DT ON BT.account_id = DT.account_id
感謝 斯特凡
Linkdate正被用作虛擬列來按日曆日期對數據進行分組 –