2012-09-17 50 views

我有一個基於網絡(TCP-IP)的自定義IPC系統。boost :: shared_ptr修改後的工廠方法


#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp" 
#include <string> 

using namespace std; 

class TCommand { 
    typedef boost::shared_ptr<TCommand> Ptr; 

    TCommand() { 
     cout << " Creating TCommand..." << endl; 

    virtual ~TCommand() { 
     cout << " Destroying TCommand..." << endl; 

    static TCommand * factory(int classID); 

    virtual void parse(const char *data, int dataSize) = 0; 
    virtual void print() = 0; 
    virtual std::string getType() = 0; 


class TPingCommand : public TCommand { 
    static const int classID = 1; 
    int value; 

    TPingCommand() : TCommand() { 
     cout << " Creating TPingCommand..." << endl; 

    virtual ~TPingCommand() { 
     cout << " Destroying TPingCommand..." << endl; 

    virtual void parse(const char *data, int dataSize) { 
    if (dataSize < 4) throw 1; 

    this->value = data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]; 

    virtual void print() { 
     cout << " TPingCommand:" << endl; 
     cout << " value = " << dec << this->value << " (0x" << hex << this->value << ")" << endl; 

    virtual std::string getType() { 
     return "TPingCommand"; 

class TOtherCommand : public TCommand { 
    static const int classID = 2; 
    int value; 
    char value2; 
    short int value3; 

    TOtherCommand() : TCommand() { 
     cout << " Creating TOtherCommand..." << endl; 

    virtual ~TOtherCommand() { 
     cout << " Destroying TOtherCommand..." << endl; 

    virtual void parse(const char *data, int dataSize) { 
    if (dataSize < 7) throw 1; 

    this->value = data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]; 
    this->value2 = data[4]; 
    this->value3 = data[5] << 8 | data[6]; 

    virtual void print() { 
     cout << " TOtherCommand:" << endl; 
     cout << " value = " << dec << this->value << " (0x" << hex << this->value << ")" << endl; 
     cout << " value2 = " << dec << this->value2 << " (0x" << hex << (int)this->value2 << ")" << endl; 
     cout << " value3 = " << dec << this->value3 << " (0x" << hex << this->value3 << ")" << endl; 

    virtual std::string getType() { 
     return "TOtherCommand"; 

TCommand * TCommand::factory(int classID) { 
    cout << " Factory for classID = " << dec << classID << " (0x" << hex << classID << ")" << endl; 
    switch (classID) { 
    case TPingCommand::classID: return new TPingCommand(); break; 
    case TOtherCommand::classID: return new TOtherCommand(); break; 
    default: throw 1; 

TCommand::Ptr receiveFromNetwork(int test, TCommand::Ptr knownCommand) 
    // Receive command header from network. 
    // int classID is the command class internal ID. 
    // int dataSize is the command's body size in bytes. 
    // For instance: 
    // int classId = 2; 
    // int datasize = 7; 

    int classId = 1; 
    int dataSize = 4; 
    char data[10]; 

    if (test == 0) { 
     cout << " Using test data 0..." << endl; 
     classId = 1; 
     dataSize = 4; 
     data[0] = 0x01; data[1] = 0x02; data[2] = 0x03; data[3] = 0x04; 
    } else if (test == 1) { 
     cout << " Using test data 1..." << endl; 
     classId = 2; 
     dataSize = 7; 
     data[0] = 0x11; data[1] = 0x12; data[2] = 0x13; data[3] = 0x14; data[4] = 0x41; data[5] = 0x16; data[6] = 0x17; 

    TCommand::Ptr cmd; 
    if (knownCommand == 0) { 
     cout << " No command provided." << endl; 
     cout << " Command created from factory: " << cmd->getType() << endl; 
    } else { 
     cmd = knownCommand; 
     cout << " Command provided: " << cmd->getType() << endl; 

    cout << " Parsing data..." << endl; 
    cmd->parse(data, dataSize); 

    // The command was identified as TOtherCommand (classID = 2). 
    // The factory returned a TOtherCommand instance. 
    // The TOtherCommand's parse method will check the dataSize is suitable (7 bytes are necessary). 
    // The parse method will unserialize data to their fields. 
    // This way, the fields would be: 
    // data = 0x11121314; 
    // data2 = 0x42; // 'A' as char. 
    // data3 = 0x1213; 

    return cmd; 

void caller() { 
    // Case 1 (ok): 
    // I know I'm going to receive a TPingCommand. 
    cout << "Test case 1:" << endl; 
    TCommand::Ptr known(new TPingCommand()); 
    TCommand::Ptr cmd1 = receiveFromNetwork(0, known); 

    // Case 2 (problems): 
    cout << "Test case 2:" << endl; 
    TCommand::Ptr dummy; 
    TCommand::Ptr cmd2 = receiveFromNetwork(1, dummy); 

    cout << "Teardown..." << endl; 

int main() { 


所有其他情況下,從網絡收到的前幾個字節描述命令classID,我用它在該函數內創建合適的TCommand實例。然後該命令從網絡數據中解析出來並在函數結束時返回。 knownCommand只是一個虛擬的TCommand實例。

當我通過knownCommand時,效果很好。 當我傳遞一個虛擬命令作爲參數時,它崩潰(據我所知雙倍釋放)。




==31859== Thread 2: 
==31859== Invalid read of size 4 
==31859== at 0x805D7B0: boost::detail::sp_counted_impl_p<TVideoGetSourceSizeCommand>::dispose() (checked_delete.hpp:34) 
==31859== by 0x407FF42: Server::receiveFromNetwork() (sp_counted_base_gcc_x86.hpp:145) 
==31859== by 0x40800AF: Server::serverThread(void*) (Server.cpp:107) 
==31859== by 0x434496D: start_thread (pthread_create.c:300) 
==31859== by 0x42B398D: clone (clone.S:130) 



你是什麼意思的虛擬命令?它支持get()嗎? –


虛擬命令只是一個持有空指針的shared_ptr(我不確定它是否允許)。我在調用者函數中將其創建爲虛擬。看一下這個。你認爲這是錯的嗎? – Marcus


你可以嘗試在調試器中運行它,然後給我們發生確切的錯誤信息?你也可以嘗試在valgrind中運行它。 – codeling




在代碼的調用部分,有一個shared_ptr被錯誤地「複製」。 產生的錯誤是這樣的:

boost::shared_ptr<DerivedType> ptr1(new DerivedType(...)); 
boost::shared_ptr<BaseType> ptr2(ptr1.get()); 


該代碼並不那麼愚蠢,但最終是簡化的錯誤情況。 儘管這是一個微不足道的錯誤。
