2016-10-04 153 views

我正在嘗試使用googleVis軟件包在R中創建Sankey圖表。 (我正在使用的data.frame可以在下面找到)我想要的圖表是從Type,到組織,然後到團隊(Tm),而大小代表(Name)玩家的數量。從我讀過的內容來看,只有三列。因此,我做了,現在使用此代碼使用谷歌Vis在R製作Sankey圖表

BrewersDraft <- sqldf("SELECT Type, Organization, COUNT(Name) AS PLAYERS 
         FROM df 
         GROUP BY 1,2 
         UNION ALL 
         FROM df 
         GROUP BY 1,2") 


Type           Organization 
1 College/University      Bradley University (Peoria, IL) 
2 College/University California State University Fullerton (Fullerton, CA) 
3 College/University      Clemson University (Clemson, SC) 
4 College/University East Tennessee State University (Johnson City, TN) 
5 College/University     Faulkner University (Montgomery, AL) 
6 College/University       Felician College (Lodi, NJ) 
1  1 
2  1 
3  1 
4  1 
5  1 
6  1 


plot(gvisSankey(BrewersDraft, from = "Type", to="Organization_Type", weight = "PLAYERS", 
       options = list(height=800, width=850, 
           link:{color:{fill: 'lightblue'}}}"))) 


enter image description here

應該類似於此網站上的例子,https://thedatagame.com.au/2015/12/14/visualising-the-2015-nba-draft-in-r/ 唯一的區別是,所有的組織只會而不是多到一隊。



Year Rnd OvPck RdPck  Tm      Name Pos 
1 2016 1  5  5 Brewers  Corey Ray (minors) OF 
2 2016 2 46  5 Brewers  Lucas Erceg (minors) 3B 
3 2016 2 75 34 Brewers Mario Feliciano (minors) C 
4 2016 3 82  5 Brewers  Braden Webb (minors) RHP 
5 2016 4 111  5 Brewers Corbin Burnes (minors) RHP 
6 2016 5 141  5 Brewers  Zack Brown (minors) RHP 
7 2016 6 171  5 Brewers  Payton Henry (minors) C 
8 2016 7 201  5 Brewers  Daniel Brown (minors) LHP 
9 2016 8 231  5 Brewers Francisco Thomas (minors) SS 
10 2016 9 261  5 Brewers  Trey York (minors) 2B 
11 2016 10 291  5 Brewers  Blake Fox (minors) LHP 
12 2016 11 321  5 Brewers Chad McClanahan (minors) 3B 
13 2016 12 351  5 Brewers Trever Morrison (minors) SS 
14 2016 13 381  5 Brewers Thomas Jankins (minors) RHP 
15 2016 14 411  5 Brewers Gabriel Garcia (minors) C 
16 2016 15 441  5 Brewers Scott Serigstad (minors) RHP 
17 2016 16 471  5 Brewers  Louie Crow (minors) RHP 
18 2016 17 501  5 Brewers Weston Wilson (minors) 3B 
19 2016 18 531  5 Brewers Cooper Hummel (minors) C 
20 2016 19 561  5 Brewers  Zach Clark (minors) CF 
21 2016 20 591  5 Brewers  Jared Horn (minors) RHP 
22 2016 21 621  5 Brewers Nathan Rodriguez (minors) C 
23 2016 22 651  5 Brewers  Cam Roegner (minors) LHP 
24 2016 23 681  5 Brewers Ronnie Gideon (minors) 1B 
25 2016 24 711  5 Brewers Michael Gonzalez (minors) RHP 
26 2016 25 741  5 Brewers  Blake Lillis (minors) LHP 
27 2016 26 771  5 Brewers Nick Roscetti (minors) SS 
28 2016 27 801  5 Brewers  Nick Cain (minors) RF 
29 2016 28 831  5 Brewers Andrew Vernon (minors) RHP 
30 2016 29 861  5 Brewers Brennan Price (minors) RHP 
31 2016 30 891  5 Brewers  Dalton Brown (minors) RHP 
32 2016 31 921  5 Brewers  Ryan Aguilar (minors) 1B 
33 2016 32 951  5 Brewers  Wilson Adams (minors) RHP 
34 2016 33 981  5 Brewers Emerson Gibbs (minors) RHP 
35 2016 34 1011  5 Brewers  Matt Smith (minors) RHP 
36 2016 35 1041  5 Brewers Chase Williams (minors) RHP 
37 2016 36 1071  5 Brewers  Parker Bean (minors) RHP 
38 2016 37 1101  5 Brewers  Jomar Cortes (minors) SS 
39 2016 38 1131  5 Brewers  Caleb Whalen (minors) CF 
40 2016 39 1161  5 Brewers  Jose Gomez (minors) CF 
41 2016 40 1191  5 Brewers  Kyle Serrano (minors) RHP 
       Type           Organization 
1 College/University    University of Louisville (Louisville, KY) 
2 College/University       Menlo College (Atherton, CA) 
3   High School   Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy (Florida, PR) 
4 College/University   University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC) 
5 College/University   St. Mary's College of California (Moraga, CA) 
6 College/University    University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY) 
7   High School    Pleasant Grove HS (Pleasant Grove, UT) 
8 College/University Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS) 
9   High School       Osceola HS (Kissimmee, FL) 
10 College/University East Tennessee State University (Johnson City, TN) 
11 College/University       Rice University (Houston, TX) 
12  High School    Brophy College Preparatory (Phoenix, AZ) 
13 College/University    Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR) 
14 College/University      Quinnipiac College (Hamden, CT) 
15  Junior College  Broward Community College (Fort Lauderdale, FL) 
16 College/University California State University Fullerton (Fullerton, CA) 
17  High School      Buena Park HS (Buena Park, CA) 
18 College/University      Clemson University (Clemson, SC) 
19 College/University     University of Portland (Portland, OR) 
20  Junior College  Pearl River Community College (Poplarville, MS) 
21  High School         Vintage HS (Napa, CA) 
22  Junior College       Cypress College (Cypress, CA) 
23 College/University      Bradley University (Peoria, IL) 
24 College/University   Texas A&M University (College Station, TX) 
25  High School        Norwalk HS (Norwalk, CT) 
26  High School    St. Thomas Aquinas HS (Overland Park, KS) 
27 College/University     University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA) 
28 College/University     Faulkner University (Montgomery, AL) 
29 College/University  North Carolina Central University (Durham, NC) 
30 College/University       Felician College (Lodi, NJ) 
31 College/University     Texas Tech University (Lubbock, TX) 
32 College/University     University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ) 
33 College/University University of Alabama in Huntsville (Huntsville, AL) 
34 College/University     Tulane University (New Orleans, LA) 
35 College/University    Georgetown University (Washington, DC) 
36 College/University    Wichita State University (Wichita, KS) 
37 College/University     Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA) 
38  High School   Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy (Florida, PR) 
39 College/University     University of Portland (Portland, OR) 
40 College/University    St. Thomas University (Miami Gardens, FL) 
41 College/University    University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN) 






BrewersDraft <- sqldf("SELECT Type, Organization, COUNT(Name) AS PLAYERS 
        FROM df 
        GROUP BY 1,2 
        UNION ALL 
        SELECT Organization, (Tm) AS MLB_TEAM, COUNT(Name) AS PLAYERS 
        FROM df 
        GROUP BY 1,2") 

真棒!它的工作,非常感謝。 – Julien