Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on string in C:\xampp\htdocs\boobae\index.php:58 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in雖然製作一個簡單的形式,我得到一個「致命錯誤:未捕獲的錯誤:調用一個成員函數查詢()」
C:\xampp\htdocs\boobae\index.php on line 58
<?php include './include/header.include.php'; ?>
<?php include './include/connect.include.php';?>
<?php $reg = @$_POST['reg'];
//declaring the variables to prevent errors
$fn = "";
$ln = "";
$un = "";
$em = "";
$em2 = "";
$pswd = "";
$pswd2 = "";
$d_birth = "";
$d = "";
$u_check = "";
$phone_number = "";
//registration form
$fn = strip_tags(@_POST['fname']);
$ln = strip_tags(@_POST['lname']);
$un = strip_tags(@_POST['uname']);
$em = strip_tags(@_POST['email1']);
$em2 = strip_tags(@_POST['email2']);
$pswd = strip_tags(@_POST['passwprd1']);
$pswd2 = strip_tags(@_POST['password2']);
$d_birth = strip_tags(@_POST['dbirth']);
$d = ('Y-M-D');
$phone_number = strip_tags(@_POST['phone_number']);
if (isset($_POST['reg'])) {
if ($em==$em2) {
else {
echo "Your emails do not match!";
if (strlen($un)>25||strlen($fn)>25||strlen($ln)>25) {
echo "The maximum limit for username/first name/last name is 25 characters";
if (strlen($pswd)>30||strlen($pswd)<5) {
echo "Your password must be 5 to 30 characters long";
if ($fn&&$ln&&$un&&$em&&$em2&&$pswd&&$pswd2) {
echo "Please fill in all the fields!";}
if ($pswd==$pswd2) {
else {
echo "Your pasword do not match!";
$sql="INSERT INTO userss (username,first_name,last_name, email, password,
d_birth, sign_up_date, $phone_number,activated)
VALUES ('$un', '$fn', '$ln', '$em', '$pawd', '$d_birth', '$d',
if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
echo "New record created successfully";
else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
顯示您的$ conn變量(沒有密碼等課程)。看來$ conn是一個連接字符串,而不是一個SQL連接。 – Janno
'$ conn =「」;'很明顯,這是行不通的,也許你會覆蓋已經在'connect.include.php'中指定的變量? – Bert