2013-01-18 41 views

這是我第一次使用拉寶和坤寶石。我只是試圖用rabl輸出查詢的結果。不幸的是,我沒有找回適當的對象。Rails - 拉寶和坤寶石迴歸集合表


@test = Category.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN incomes ON incomes.category_id = categories.id AND incomes.dept_id = 86').group_by { |category| category.cat_ds } 


collection @test 
attributes :cat_code, :cat_ds 


    "REVENUE": [ 
      "cat_code": 10001, 
      "cat_ds": "REVENUE", 
      "id": 1, 
      "incomes": [ 
        "category_id": "1.0", 
        "chart_id": 1, 
        "created_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "dept_id": 4, 
        "feb": "11.0", 
        "id": 1, 
        "jan": "12.12", 
        "note": "Testing", 
        "updated_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "year_id": 1, 
        "total_cost": 23 
    "EXPENSE": [ 
      "cat_code": 10002, 
      "cat_ds": "EXPENSE", 
      "id": 2, 
      "incomes": [ 
        "category_id": "2.0", 
        "chart_id": 2, 
        "created_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "dept_id": 86, 
        "feb": "45.0", 
        "id": 3, 
        "jan": "60.0", 
        "note": "Two", 
        "updated_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "year_id": 1, 
        "total_cost": 105 
        "category_id": "2.0", 
        "chart_id": 2, 
        "created_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "dept_id": 86, 
        "feb": "45.55", 
        "id": 5, 
        "jan": "3454.0", 
        "note": "One", 
        "updated_at": "2013-01-15T16:43:52Z", 
        "year_id": 1, 
        "total_cost": 3499 




     "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": [ 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 
       "[#<Category id: 1, cat_code: 10001, cat_ds: \"INPATIENT REVENUE\">]": {} 



編輯 我想看看下面的工作,但我得到以下錯誤: Cannot find rabl template 'income/index' within registered ([]) view paths!

def index 
    @test_obj = Category.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN incomes ON incomes.category_id = categories.id AND incomes.dept_id = 86').group_by { |category| category.cat_ds } 
    @test = Rabl::Renderer.json(@test_obj, 'income/index') 
    gon.rabl "app/views/incomes/index.rabl", as: "test"   



在你的控制器試試這個。 Rabl用於渲染,所以如果你想用它來傳遞,我認爲你必須手動渲染它,因爲你將爲請求呈現HTML。

@test_obj = Category.joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN incomes ON incomes.category_id = categories.id AND incomes.dept_id = 86').group_by { |category| category.cat_ds } 

@test = Rabl::Renderer.json(@test_obj, 'test/show') 

謝謝你的解釋,這有幫助。另一個問題是,我得到以下錯誤:'在註冊的([])視圖路徑中找不到Rabl模板'收入/索引'!「任何想法?我已經更新了我的問題。 – groc426