#Directory to complete script in
$path = "c:\Outlook_Logs\"
cd $path
$cmdline = "Nmcap.exe /network * /captureipv4.address==X.X.X.X /file :\outlook_logs\client_$count.chn:100MB"
#Writes out number of files in directory to console
$count = (get-childitem $path -name).count
Write-Host "Number of Files: $count"
#Sorts items by decsending order
$items = Get-ChildItem | Sort Extension -desc
#Deletes oldest file by file extension number
del $items[0]
#Copy file from original directory to backup directory
Copy-Item c:\Outlook_Logs\* c:\Outlook_Logs_Temp\
#Sorts items by decsending order
$items = Get-ChildItem | Sort Extension -desc
#Renames files in quotes after NewName argument
$items | ForEach-Object -begin { $count= (get-childitem $path -name).count } -process { rename- item $_ -NewName "client_$count.cap";Invoke-Expression "$cmdline"; $count-- }
當我運行CMD兩次它只是覆蓋它以前的文件。它不作爲,你說... –
Nmcap.exe /網絡* /捕獲ipv4.address == X.X.X.X /文件c:\ outlook_logs \ client.chn:1MB –
我不認爲它會記住它停止。一旦你重新運行,它將重新開始。如果你想自己增加它,你需要使用的.cap擴展 –