private static final String TWITTER_KEY = "r5nPFPbcDrzoJM9bIBCqyfHPK";
private static final String TWITTER_SECRET = "oJ8y2KPIySPpoBX3eCcqgcnmPGXLI94BR4g9ZztnApSmXQG9Ij ";
//Twitter Login Button
TwitterLoginButton twitterLoginButton;
//Initializing TwitterAuthConfig, these two line will also added automatically while configuration we did
TwitterAuthConfig authConfig = new TwitterAuthConfig(TWITTER_KEY, TWITTER_SECRET);
Fabric.with(this, new Twitter(authConfig));
//Initializing twitter login button
twitterLoginButton = (TwitterLoginButton) findViewById(R.id.twitterLogin);
//Adding callback to the button
twitterLoginButton.setCallback(new Callback<TwitterSession>() {
public void success(Result<TwitterSession> result) {
//If login succeeds passing the Calling the login method and passing Result object
public void failure(TwitterException exception) {
//If failure occurs while login handle it here
Log.d("TwitterKit", "Login with Twitter failure", exception);
3.override onActivityResult():
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
//Adding the login result back to the button
twitterLoginButton.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
public void login(Result<TwitterSession> result) {
//Creating a twitter session with result's data
TwitterSession session = result.data;
//Getting the username from session
final String username = session.getUserName();
//This code will fetch the profile image URL
//Getting the account service of the user logged in
.verifyCredentials(true, false, new Callback<User>() {
public void failure(TwitterException e) {
//If any error occurs handle it here
public void success(Result<User> userResult) {
//If it succeeds creating a User object from userResult.data
User user = userResult.data;
//Getting the profile image url
String profileImage = user.profileImageUrl.replace("_normal", "");
Log.d("done","name-->"+username + "url-->"+profileImage);
// Toast.makeText(this,"name-->"+username + "url-->"+profileImage,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
你的用戶名和profilepicture URL中login()
結帳下面的鏈接:https://androidbeasts.wordpress.com/2015/07/22/twitter-fabric-integration/ – Aakash 2015-08-21 21:16:42