我對F#有點新鮮,並嘗試使用簡單的計算器應用程序。我從用戶那裏接受輸入,並且我想要根據輸入執行特定的功能。 現在,無論何時我接受用戶的任何輸入,程序都會執行從上到下的操作。我希望它只執行與輸入匹配的特定功能。如果輸入是6,那麼scientificFun()的主體應該被執行。現在它執行所有功能。請幫助,我有點卡在這一個! 該代碼是如何使用F#語言的輸入模式執行特定功能
open System
let mutable ok = true
while ok do
Console.WriteLine("Choose a operation:\n1.Addition\n2.Substraction\n3.Multiplication\n4.Division\n5.Modulo\n6.Scientific")
let input= Console.ReadLine()
let add =
Console.WriteLine("Ok, how many numbers?")
let mutable count = int32(Console.ReadLine())
let numberArray = Array.create count 0.0
for i in 0 .. numberArray.Length - 1 do
let no = float(Console.ReadLine())
Array.set numberArray i no
Array.sum numberArray
let sub x y = x - y
let mul x y = x * y
let div x y = x/y
let MOD x y = x % y
let scientificFun() =
printfn("1. Exponential")
match input with
| "1" -> printfn("The Result is: %f") (add)
| "6" -> (scientificFun())
| _-> printfn("Choose between 1 and 6")
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to use the calculator again? y/n")
let ans = Console.ReadLine()
if ans = "n" then
ok <- false
else Console.Clear()
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