我最近需要在GWT中實現滑塊來捕獲用戶在任務上所取得的百分比進度。我對GWT孵化器的滑塊並不滿意,也不太喜歡使用像Spiffy UI或SmartGWT這樣的外部庫。我可以用什麼替代方法來實現GWT中的有效滑動,而不需要做太多的驢工作?如何在GWT中實現JQueryUI滑塊
經過大量的搜索之後,我決定使用一個可以通過java包裝類實現的JQuery-Ui滑塊。 GWT和JQuery滑塊之間的交互將通過GWT Java腳本本地接口。爲了使所需的庫儘可能小,我下載了一個非常輕的自定義Jquery-UI包(只是核心+滑塊)。結果滿足我們的需求,符合我們的MVP設計模式,並且是UI綁定。
package za.co.bsg.ems.client.framework.ui.slider;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptObject;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONNumber;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONString;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Element;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Event;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* This widget wraps the JQuery UI Slider and allows for single slider .
* All options can be get or set using generic get/setIntOption, get/setStringOption, get/setBooleanOption
* methods, but some convenience methods are provided for most popular such as
* setValues and setMinimum and setMaximum. See SliderOptions for full list of options.
* @see SliderOption
public class SingleSlider extends Widget {
private JSONObject defaultOptions;
private List<SliderListener> listeners = new ArrayList<SliderListener>();
* Create the default slider with the specified ID. The ID is required
* because the slider needs a specific ID to connect to.
* @param id - id of the element to create
public SingleSlider(String id) {
this(id, null);
* Create a slider with the specified ID. The ID is required
* because the slider needs a specific ID to connect to.
* @param id - id of the element to create
* @param options - JSONObject of any possible option, can be null for defaults
public SingleSlider(String id, JSONObject options) {
Element divEle = DOM.createDiv();
defaultOptions = options;
if (defaultOptions == null) {
defaultOptions = getOptions(0, 100, 0);
* A convenient way to create an options JSONObject. Use SliderOption for keys.
* @param min - default minimum of the slider
* @param max - default maximum of the slider
* @param defaultValue - default point of anchor
* @return a JSONObject of Slider options
public static JSONObject getOptions(int min, int max, int defaultValue) {
JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
options.put(SliderOption.MIN.toString(), new JSONNumber(min));
options.put(SliderOption.MAX.toString(), new JSONNumber(max));
options.put(SliderOption.VALUE.toString(), new JSONNumber(defaultValue));
options.put(SliderOption.RANGE.toString(), new JSONString("min"));
return options;
protected void onLoad() {
createSliderJS(this, getElement().getId(), defaultOptions.getJavaScriptObject());
protected void onUnload() {
destroySliderJS(this, getElement().getId());
* Gets the minimum possible value for the slider
* @return Returns the minimum.
public int getMinimum() {
return getIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), SliderOption.MIN.toString());
* Sets the minimum possible value for the slider
* @param minimum The minimum to set.
public void setMinimum(int minimum) {
setIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), SliderOption.MIN.toString(), minimum);
* Gets the maximum possible value for the slider
* @return Returns the maximum.
public int getMaximum() {
return getIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), SliderOption.MAX.toString());
* Sets the maximum possible value for the slider
* @param maximum The maximum to set.
public void setMaximum(int maximum) {
setIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), SliderOption.MAX.toString(), maximum);
* Convenience method for only 1 anchor
* @param value to set.
public void setValue(int value) {
setValueJS(getElement().getId(), value);
* Set an option numeric value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @param value the numeric
public void setIntOption(SliderOption option, int value) {
setIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString(), value);
* Get an option numeric value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @return value the numeric
public int getIntOption(SliderOption option) {
return getIntOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString());
* Set an option boolean value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @param value the boolean
public void setBooleanOption(SliderOption option, boolean value) {
setBooleanOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString(), value);
* Get an option boolean value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @return value the boolean
public boolean getBooleanOption(SliderOption option) {
return getBooleanOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString());
* Set an option string value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @param value the String
public void setStringOption(SliderOption option, String value) {
setStringOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString(), value);
* Set an option string value
* @param option the SliderOption
* @return value the String
public String setStringOption(SliderOption option) {
return getStringOptionJS(getElement().getId(), option.toString());
* Add a SliderListener
* @param l - SliderListener
public void addListener(SliderListener l) {
* Removes the SliderListener
* @param l - SliderListener
public void removeListener(SliderListener l) {
private void fireOnStartEvent(Event evt, int value) {
SliderEvent e = new SliderEvent(evt, this, value);
for (SliderListener l : listeners) {
private boolean fireOnSlideEvent(Event evt, int value) {
SliderEvent e = new SliderEvent(evt, this, value);
for (SliderListener l : listeners) {
boolean ret = true;
for (SliderListener l : listeners) {
if (!l.onSlide(e)) {
//if any of the listeners returns false, return false,
//but let them all do their thing
ret = false;
return ret;
private void fireOnChangeEvent(Event evt, int value, boolean hasOriginalEvent) {
SliderEvent e = new SliderEvent(evt, this, value, hasOriginalEvent);
for (SliderListener l : listeners) {
private void fireOnStopEvent(Event evt, int value) {
SliderEvent e = new SliderEvent(evt, this, value);
for (SliderListener l : listeners) {
private native void setIntOptionJS(String id, String option, int value) /*-{
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option, value);
private native int getIntOptionJS(String id, String option) /*-{
return $wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option);
private native void setBooleanOptionJS(String id, String option, boolean value) /*-{
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option, value);
private native boolean getBooleanOptionJS(String id, String option) /*-{
return $wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option);
private native void setStringOptionJS(String id, String option, String value) /*-{
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option, value);
private native String getStringOptionJS(String id, String option) /*-{
return $wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", option);
private native void setValueJS(String id, int value) /*-{
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider("option", "value", value);
private native void createSliderJS(SingleSlider x, String id, JavaScriptObject options) /*-{
options.start = function(event, ui) {
[email protected]::fireOnStartEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;I)(event, ui.value);
options.slide = function(event, ui) {
return [email protected]::fireOnSlideEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;I)(event, ui.value);
options.change = function(event, ui) {
var has = event.originalEvent ? true : false;
[email protected]::fireOnChangeEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;IZ)(event, ui.value, has);
options.stop = function(event, ui) {
[email protected]::fireOnStopEvent(Lcom/google/gwt/user/client/Event;I)(event, ui.value);
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider(options);
private native void destroySliderJS(SingleSlider x, String id) /*-{
$wnd.$("#" + id).slider("destroy");
package za.co.bsg.ems.client.framework.ui.slider;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.HasValueChangeHandlers;
import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ValueChangeEvent;
import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ValueChangeHandler;
import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerRegistration;
import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiBinder;
import com.google.gwt.uibinder.client.UiField;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.IntegerBox;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
import za.co.bsg.ems.client.event.IntegerValueChangeEvent;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
public class PercentageSliderWidget extends Composite implements SliderListener, HasValueChangeHandlers<Integer> {
interface PercentageSliderUiBinder extends UiBinder<Widget, PercentageSliderWidget> {}
private static final PercentageSliderUiBinder UI_BINDER = GWT.create(PercentageSliderUiBinder.class);
Label headingLabel;
@UiField(provided = true)
SingleSlider singleSlider;
IntegerBox percentBox;
Label percentageSignLabel;
private Set<ValueChangeHandler<Integer>> valueChangeHandlers;
public PercentageSliderWidget(long taskId, String heading, int existingProgress) {
valueChangeHandlers = new HashSet<>();
JSONObject options = SingleSlider.getOptions(0, 100, existingProgress);
singleSlider = new SingleSlider("singleSlider" + taskId, options);
singleSlider.setTitle(existingProgress + "%");
percentBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Integer>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Integer> event) {
updateValues(event.getValue(), true);
public void setValue(int value) {
updateValues(value, false);
public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(final ValueChangeHandler<Integer> handler) {
return new HandlerRegistration() {
public void removeHandler() {
public boolean onSlide(SliderEvent e) {
return true;
public void onChange(SliderEvent e) {
// do nothing
public void onStop(SliderEvent e) {
updateValues(e.getValue(), true);
public void onStart(SliderEvent e) {
// do nothing
private void updateValues(int progressValue, boolean fireEvents) {
singleSlider.setTitle(progressValue + "%");
if (fireEvents) {
for (ValueChangeHandler<Integer> valueChangeHandler : valueChangeHandlers) {
valueChangeHandler.onValueChange(new IntegerValueChangeEvent(progressValue));
我從未更加感謝能夠使用純JavaScript工作......:P – 2014-09-04 12:43:32
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- 2. 我如何使用gwt中的兩個旋鈕實現滑塊
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- 4. jQueryUI的滑塊控件增強的jQuery UI的滑塊,點子實現問題
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- 7. 實現jquery滑塊
- 8. 如何實現JqueryUI Datepicker
- 9. 如何實現exjts滑塊沒有CSS
- 10. 如何實現滑塊div圖像
- 11. AngularJs + JqueryUI滑塊初始值
- 12. jQueryUI的滑塊 - 值toFixed(2)
- 13. jQueryUI的滑塊不IFRAME
- 14. 啓用jqueryUI滑塊點擊
- 15. jQueryUI滑塊不滾動div
- 16. 有沒有非jQueryUI滑塊?
- 17. Jqueryui滑塊dynamiclly追加div
- 18. JqueryUI滑塊與Sortable衝突
- 19. 使用「data- *」和JQueryUI滑塊
- 20. JCarousel和JqueryUI滑塊問題
- 21. jqueryui滑塊+ jplayer音量值
- 22. 圖像滑塊在GWT
- 23. 如何實現$(this).stop();在jqueryUI
- 24. JQueryUI滑塊不能在IE上工作
- 25. JQuery滑塊實現問題
- 26. 易於實現滑塊庫
- 27. 實現簡單的滑塊
- 28. JQuery bing滑塊實現
- 29. 如何在GWT中實現HashMap?
- 30. 如何在GWT中實現JSNI
這應該是一個「問題」? – 2014-09-04 12:19:50
更好?對不起這個新的 – 2014-09-04 12:24:31