2015-07-10 79 views

我對Excel vba相當新,但現在一直在使用access vba。根據列值複製工作表


Sub SplitbyValue() 
    Dim FromR As Range, ToR As Range, All As Range, Header As Range 
    Dim Wb As Workbook 
    Dim Ws As Worksheet 
    'Get the header in this sheet 
    Set Header = Range("D8").EntireRow 

    'Visit each used cell in column D, except the header 
    Set FromR = Range("D9") 
    For Each ToR In Range(FromR, Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)) 
    'Did the value change? 
    If FromR <> ToR Then 
     'Yes, get the cells between 
     Set All = Range(FromR, ToR.Offset(-1)).EntireRow 
     'Make a new file 

     Set Wb = Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet) 
     'Copy the data into there 

     With Wb.ActiveSheet 
     Header.Copy .Range("A8") 
     All.Copy .Range("A9") 
     End With 
     'Save it 

     Wb.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Format(Date, "yyyy.mm.dd") & _ 
     " - " & FromR.Value & ".xls", xlWorkbookNormal 
     'Remember the start of this section 
     Set FromR = ToR 
    End If 
End Sub 


例如: ColumnA Id1的 的Id2 ID3



你需要一個'For Each(sheet variable)in(Workbook variable).Sheets'循環你的整個東西。現在只有當您啓動宏時,纔會啓用任何表格。 – puzzlepiece87




Private Sub loopsheets(strSheetName As String) 
    iFoundWorksheet = 0 
    For iIndex = 1 To ea.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count 
     Set ws = ea.Worksheets(iIndex) 
     If UCase(ws.Name) = UCase(strSheetName) Then 
      iFoundWorksheet = iIndex 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next iIndex 
    If iFoundWorksheet = 0 Then 
     MsgBox "No worksheet was found with the name RESULTS (this is not case sensetive). Aborting." 
    End If 
    Set ws = ea.Worksheets(iFoundWorksheet) 

End Sub 


Dim iIndex as Integer 
    For iIndex = 1 To ea.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count 
     Set ws = ea.Worksheets(iIndex) 

     'Call your code here. 

    Next iIndex 

創建無所不包循環並限定工作表與一With...End With statement處理。您在Worksheets collection上使用Worksheet object循環了For Each...Next Statement,但我通常使用每個工作表的索引。

Sub SplitbyValue() 
    Dim FromR As Range, ToR As Range, dta As Range, hdr As Range 
    Dim w As Long, ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook, nuwb As Workbook 

    'Get the header in this sheet 

    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook 

    For w = 1 To wb.Worksheets.Count 
     With wb.Worksheets(w) 
      Set hdr = .Range(.Cells(8, "D"), .Cells(8, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft)) 

      'Visit each used cell in column D, except the header 
      Set FromR = .Range("D9") 
      For Each ToR In .Range(FromR, .Range("D" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)) 
       'Did the value change? 
       If FromR <> ToR Then 
        'Yes, get the cells between 
        Set dta = .Range(FromR, ToR.Offset(-1)).EntireRow 

        'Make a new file 
        Set nuwb = Workbooks.Add(xlWBATWorksheet) 

        'Copy the data into there 
        With nuwb.Sheet1 
         hdr.Copy .Range("A8") 
         dta.Copy .Range("A9") 
        End With 

        'Save it 
        nuwb.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & Format(Date, "yyyy.mm.dd") & _ 
         " - " & FromR.Value & ".xls", xlWorkbookNormal 
        nuwb.Close False 
        Set nuwb = Nothing 

        'Remember the start of this section 
        Set FromR = ToR 
       End If 
      Next ToR 

     End With 
    Next w 
End Sub 



嘗試了這一點,但遺憾的是沒有工作: 我得到一個「運行時錯誤‘438’: 對象犯規支持此屬性或方法 要與此代碼被打一點,所以生病更新shorly – chdelamo
