2015-01-15 83 views
* Example of usage oDeskAPI 
* @package  oDeskAPI 
* @since  09/22/2014 
* @copyright Copyright 2014(c) oDesk.com 
* @author  Maksym Novozhylov <[email protected]> 
* @license  oDesk's API Terms of Use {@link https://developers.odesk.com/api-tos.html} 

var config = { 
    'consumerKey' : '571a5ff21bded617e499965f9cf013a0', 
    'consumerSecret' : 'e3df4989efed7761', 
// 'accessToken' : 'xxxxxxxx', // assign if known 
// 'accessSecret' : 'xxxxxxxx', // assign if known 
    'debug' : false 

//var oDeskApi = require('../') // uncomment to use inside current package/sources 
var oDeskApi = require('odesk-api') // use if package is installed via npm 
// , Auth = require('../lib/routers/auth').Auth // uncomment to use inside current package/sources 
    , Auth = require('odesk-api/lib/routers/auth').Auth // use if package is installed via npm 
    , rl = require('readline'); 

// you can use your own client for OAuth routine, just identify it here 
// and use as a second parameter for oDeskApi constructor (see the example of usage below) 
// note: your client must support the following methods: 
// 1. getAuthorizationUrl - gets request token/secret pair, creates and returns 
// authorization url, based on received data 
// 2. getAccessToken(requestToken, requestTokenSecret, verifier, callback) - 
// requests access token/secret pair using known request token/secret pair and verifier 
// 3. setAccessToken(token, secret, callback) - sets known access token/secret pair 
// 4. get|post|put|delete(path, data, callback) - for GET, POST, PUT and DELETE methods respectively 
// 5. setEntryPoint(entryPoint) - allows setup different entry point for base url 
// var MyClient = require('../lib/myclient').MyClient; 
// by default predefined lib/client.js will be used that works with other odesk oauth library 

// a function to get access token/secret pair 
function getAccessTokenSecretPair(api, callback) { 
    // get authorization url 
    api.getAuthorizationUrl('http://localhost/complete', function(error, url, requestToken, requestTokenSecret) { 
    if (error) throw new Error('can not get authorization url, error: ' + error); 
    debug(requestToken, 'got a request token'); 
    debug(requestTokenSecret, 'got a request token secret'); 

    // authorize application 
    var i = rl.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); 
    i.question('Please, visit an url ' + url + ' and enter a verifier: ', function(verifier) { 
     debug(verifier, 'entered verifier is'); 

     // get access token/secret pair 
     api.getAccessToken(requestToken, requestTokenSecret, verifier, function(error, accessToken, accessTokenSecret) { 
     if (error) throw new Error(error); 

     debug(accessToken, 'got an access token'); 
     debug(accessTokenSecret, 'got an access token secret'); 

     callback(accessToken, accessTokenSecret); 

// get my data 
function getUserData(api, callback) { 
    // make a call 
    var auth = new Auth(api); 
    auth.getUserInfo(function(error, data) { 
    // check error if needed and run your own error handler 
    callback(error, data); 

(function main() { 
    // uncomment only if you want to use your own client 
    // make sure you know what you're doing 
    // var client = new MyClient(config); 
    // var api = new oDeskApi(null, client); 

    // use a predefined client for OAuth routine 
    var api = new oDeskApi(config); 

    if (!config.accessToken || !config.accessSecret) { 
    // run authorization in case we haven't done it yet 
    // and do not have an access token-secret pair 
    getAccessTokenSecretPair(api, function(accessToken, accessTokenSecret) { 
     debug(accessToken, 'current token is'); 
     // store access token data in safe place! 

     // get my auth data 
     getUserData(api, function(error, data) { 
     debug(data, 'response'); 
     console.log('Hello: ' + data.auth_user.first_name); 
    } else { 
    // setup access token/secret pair in case it is already known 
    api.setAccessToken(config.accessToken, config.accessSecret, function() { 
     // get my auth data 
     getUserData(api, function(error, data) { 
     debug(data, 'response'); 
     // server_time 
     console.log('Hello: ' + data.auth_user.first_name); 

這是我example.js目前它給人odesk。只是響應URL將我嘗試訪問該網址錯誤出現(您無權訪問此頁面。)我已經使用node.js成功安裝了應用程序。我在配置權限中遇到了主要問題。您無權訪問此頁面Odesk API Node.js的




api.getAuthorizationUrl('http://localhost/complete', function(error, url, requestToken, requestTokenSecret) { 
    if (error) throw new Error('can not get authorization url, error: ' + error); 