# Following code sets variables
$filelocation = dir d:\admin\Type\files\*.zip
foreach ($file in $filelocation){
$filename = $file.name.ToString()
$shell_app=new-object -com shell.application
$zip_file = $shell_app.namespace("d:\admin\Type\files\$filename")
$destination = $shell_app.namespace("d:\admin\Type\files\")
#Following line unzips the file
# Following chunk of code (that I found) converts the .zip filename to a string variable we can use in our Test-Path to see whether the folder already exists.
# NOTE: Right now it uses only the first 9 characters, but I would like it to only use the basename of the above zip file
# Or we could have it look at the name of the folder that results from the unzip (which always will match the basename of the .zip file)
$Directory = "d:\admin\Type\files";
$AllFiles = Get-ChildItem $Directory | where {$_.extension -eq ".zip"};
$FileNames = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList;
foreach($File in $AllFiles)
# The above code loses me a bit, because it was written for someone whose filename will always be nine characters, and can handle multiple files.
# Ours rarely will be more than one file, and will vary in length.
# Following code says "if the folder exists in the website structure, back it up to the group.backups folder"
if(Test-Path -path "D:\acronym\CurrentVersion\website.acronym\Type\Brands\$Name")
Copy-Item D:\acronym\CurrentVersion\website.acronym\Type\Brands\$Name D:\group.backups\Type\Brands\ -force -recurse
# Following line removes the original .zip file from the files folder
Remove-Item d:\admin\Type\files\*.zip -force
# Following chunk of code copies the folder and its contents to the web server folder structure
Copy-Item d:\admin\Type\files\$Name D:\acronym\CurrentVersion\website.acronym\Type\Brands\ -force
# Following lines copy the folder and its contents to the completed folder
# and then removes the folder and its contents from the files folder (for some reason Move-Item was only moving the files)
# The files folder alway should be completely empty after this script finishes
Copy-Item d:\admin\Type\files\* D:\admin\Type\completed\ -force -recurse
Remove-Item d:\admin\Type\files\* -force -recurse
我第一次問一個問題,所以我不知道什麼細節丟失。我是否需要發佈我正在使用的實際腳本?由於企業安全問題,我不得不對其進行編輯,但我可以這麼做。測試路徑和移動項目命令,我已經在使用。我需要的是在.zip擴展名或文件夾名(每次長度不同)之前獲取文件名字符的方法,並查看它是否已存在於目標文件夾中。我已經完成了其餘的工作。謝謝。 – mawhog
您可以發佈您的樣本,以及您正在處理的文件夾結構的示例。您可以通過.basename屬性獲取文件名(不帶擴展名)。 – mjolinor
試圖將我的代碼添加到我原來的帖子。 – mawhog