好問題,我有這個圖: Graf如何撤消回溯?我在用遞歸追蹤方法

我必須讓總部設在分支限界,並使用回溯代碼,是要顯示的最佳途徑,以配合圖的節點。所以在這個例子中,最佳解決方案必須是>> [(1,4),(2,3)]。但是我的算法顯示了這種可能的解決方案,這不是最佳的>> [(1,2),(3,4)]。我認爲這個問題可能是在'撤銷'路線上,但我不確定......如果有人能幫我解決這個問題,我會非常感激!


import networkx as nx 
import sys 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import copy 
import operator 
from itertools import izip 

def grouped(iterable, n): 
    "s -> (s0,s1,s2,...sn-1), (sn,sn+1,sn+2,...s2n-1), (s2n,s2n+1,s2n+2,...s3n-1), ..." 
    return izip(*[iter(iterable)]*n) 

''' Method to create a Graf from a file ''' 
def leerGrafo():                             
    #name = raw_input("Enter the name of the Graph please: ") 
    name = "grafo2.dat"                   
    G = nx.read_edgelist(name,nodetype=int,data=(('weight',float),)) 
    return G  

''' Method to create the adjacency matrix ''' 
def matrixAdj(G): 
    ''' Tener en cuenta: diagonal = 0, y no conex. = Inf ''' 
    nodes = G.number_of_nodes() 
    edges = G.edges() 

    listaAdj = [[float("Inf") for j in range(nodes)] for i in range(nodes)] 

    for i in range(len(edges)): 
     valor1,valor2 = edges[i][0],edges[i][1] 
     listaAdj[valor1-1][valor2-1] = G.edge[valor1][valor2]['weight'] 
     listaAdj[valor2-1][valor1-1] = G.edge[valor1][valor2]['weight'] 

    return listaAdj 

''' returns the weight from the adjacency matrix ''' 
def weight_of(s,G,son): 
    return matrix[s-1][int(son)-1] 

''' Backtracking Method ''' 
def backtracking(s,G,l,cMax,cMin,finalSol): 
    # We insert the current valid node, from our current way 
    # We iterate over the sons of our current node 
    for son in G.neighbors(s): 
     # If the current son is not one of the predecessors of the current node 's'... 
     if not son in l: 
      # We calculate the bound of the current son, adding the weight of his father (s) + the weight of the current son 
      # Note: At the start (the first node), we add the lower bound + the weight of that node. 
      c = weight_of(son,G,s) + cMin 
      # If this bound is lesser or iqual than the upper bound... 
      if c <= cMax: 
       # If this current node is a leaf, means that we've found a possible way... 
       if len(l)+1 == G.number_of_nodes(): 
        # We insert this current node (son) 
        # We update the upper bound with the bound of this current node 
        cMax = c 
        # We store a copy of our possible way 
        finalSol = copy.copy(l) 
        # We reset our list that conteins our possible way 
        l = [] 
        return finalSol 
       # Si no...seguimos recorriendo las ramas hasta encontrar un camino entero 
    # Undo 
    del l[-1] 


''' Main Function ''' 
def main(): 
    # We make the graf 
    G1 = leerGrafo() 
    global matrix 
    # We create the adjacency matrix 
    matrix = matrixAdj(G1) 
    # We make a ordered list that contains just the weight of all nodes 
    pesos = [a[2]['weight'] for a in sorted(G1.edges(data=True), key=lambda aux: aux[2])] 
    # We calculate the default upper bound 
    cotaMax = sum(pesos) 
    # We calculate the lower bound 
    cotaMin = pesos[0] 
    l = [] 
    global finalSol 
    finalSol = 0 
    # We call the backtracking method 
    bestSol = backtracking(G1.nodes()[0],G1,l,cotaMax,cotaMin,finalSol) 
    # We print the solution 
    print "Best Solution: " 
    for x, y in grouped(bestSol, 2): 
     print "(%d,%d)" % (x, y) 

你的意思分行界? –


試着看看你的代碼,但不知道G1是如何組成的,我無法想象它的遺憾。 –


很難知道,如果我無法測試代碼,則更多。還有一個函數的文檔字符串在第一行相同,而不是在它之前... – Copperfield





def minimun_path(s,G,camino,cMax,cMin): 
    if len(camino) == G.number_of_nodes(): 
     # I found the complete path 
     return camino 
    temp = [] 
    for son in G.neighbors(s): 
     # I record all path to a node not visited yet 
     if son not in camino: 
      peso = weight_of(son,G,s)+cMin 
    if temp: 
     # I choose a minimun of those 
     sig,w = min(temp, key=lambda x:x[1]) 
     # I don't have where to go, so I stay put 
     sig = s 
    return minimun_path(sig,G,camino+(s,),cMax,cMin) 

對於camino I U SE元組而不是列表,作爲inmutable對象,我不會發現怪異的邊框效果,以防萬一......


bestSol = minimun_path(G1.nodes()[0],G1,tuple(),cotaMax,cotaMin) 


Best Solution: 

太棒了!是的,你對我的問題是正確的!我有一些想法,但我看不到它......無論如何,你已經解決了我的問題!而且速度非常快!非常感謝你@Copperfield!對此,我真的非常感激! – wj127


(1,4),(3,2)不是路徑,是連接2組需要的路徑。既然答案被接受了,我想在它上面用更多的時間是沒有意義的。但是在任何地方都看不到backtracking_v2? –


@KoebmandSTO我的不好,那應該是minimum_path我以後改名以反映它的目的。並且通過他原來的回溯和例子,這就是他所需要的,然後他分組成對來打印它... – Copperfield