function handleButtonClick()
// Declare the variables we'll be using
var xmlHttp, handleRequestStateChange;
// Define the function to be called when our AJAX request's state changes:
handleRequestStateChange = function()
// Check to see if this state change was "request complete", and
// there was no server error (404 Not Found, 500 Server Error, etc)
if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 && xmlHttp.status==200)
var substring=xmlHttp.responseText;
alert(substring);// I am able to see the text which is returned by the server1 i.e csce
var handleSuccess = function(o)
if(o.responseText !== undefined)
**window.location.reload()** // also I tried to redirect it to the same site but that also not works
var callback ={ success:handleSuccess, failure: function(x) {
console.error(x) }, argument: ['foo','bar']};
var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST','http://yahoo.com******', callback, substring);
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlHttp.open("GET", "http://cse*****id=c6c684d9cc99476a7e7e853d77540ceb", true);
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = handleRequestStateChange;
是的,如果你正在使用AJAX,使用它。不要重新加載您的頁面,只需重新填充您的內容區域。 – aptwebapps 2010-11-13 16:06:42
感謝克里斯和aptwebapps ::我想刷新頁面看到的變化,因爲網頁有不同的URI比我在哪裏保存。而且我無法控制這些變化。我想要顯示給用戶的更改只是刷新頁面。然後它會自動顯示圖片。你能建議任何其他的出路嗎? – Judy 2010-11-13 19:44:54
如果你想在一個單獨的頁面上的內容,你將不得不通過cookie,會話變量,數據庫等以某種方式傳遞數據。如果你使用AJAX和刷新,這是有點擊敗目的。任何可以詳細說明的內容都可以幫助您更清楚地瞭解自己正在做的事情。 – 2010-11-13 22:39:35