* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_outgoing_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_processed_rule_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/sdp_incoming_traffic_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_outgoing_tps_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_processed_rule_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/rs_incoming_traffic_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/an_summary_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/en_summary_report.pl
* 1 * * * /var/fdp/reportingscript/user_report.pl
DBI連接('dbname = scs; host =; port = 5432','postgres',...)失敗:致命:抱歉,太多客戶已經在/var/fdp/reportingscript/sdp_incoming_traffic_tps_report.pl第38行
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use Time::Local;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
my $channel;
my $circle;
my $daysbefore;
my $dbh;
my $processed;
my $discarded;
my $db_name = "scs";
my $db_vip = "";
my $db_port = "5432";
my $db_user = "postgres";
my $db_password = "postgres";
#### code to redirect all console output in log file
my ($seco_, $minu_, $hrr_, $moday_, $mont_, $years_) = localtime(time);
$years_ += 1900;
$mont_ += 1;
my $timestamp = sprintf("%d%02d%02d", $years_, $mont_, $moday_);
$timestamp .= "_" . $hrr_ . "_" . $minu_ . "_" . $seco_;
print "timestamp is $timestamp \n";
my $logfile = "/var/fdp/log/reportlog/sdp_incoming_report_$timestamp";
print "\n output files is " . $logfile . "\n";
open(STDOUT, ">", $logfile) or die("$0:dup:$!");
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT" or die "$0: dup: $!";
my ($sec_, $min_, $hr_, $mday_, $mon_, $year_) = localtime(time);
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$db_name;host=$db_vip;port=$db_port",
"$db_user", "$db_password", { 'RaiseError' => 1 });
print "\n Dumper is " . $dbh . "\n";
my $sthcircle = $dbh->prepare("select id,name from circle");
while (my $refcircle = $sthcircle->fetchrow_hashref()) {
print "\n dumper for circle is " . Dumper($refcircle);
my $namecircle = uc($refcircle->{'name'});
my $idcircle = $refcircle->{'id'};
$circle->{$namecircle} = $idcircle;
print "\n circle name : " . $namecircle . "id is " . $idcircle;
sub getDate {
my $daysago = shift;
$daysago = 0 unless ($daysago);
my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time - (86400 * $daysago));
# YYYYMMDD, e.g. 20060126
$year_ = $year + 1900;
$mday_ = $mday;
$mon_ = $mon + 1;
return sprintf("%d-%02d-%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);
GetOptions("d=i" => \$daysbefore);
my $filedate = getDate($daysbefore);
print "\n filedate is $filedate \n";
my @basedir = CONFIG::getBASEDIR();
print "\n array has basedir" . Dumper(@basedir);
$mon_ = "0" . $mon_ if (defined $mon_ && $mon_ <= 9);
$mday_ = "0" . $mday_ if (defined $mday_ && $mday_ <= 9);
foreach (@basedir) {
my $both = $_;
print "\n dir is $both \n";
for (keys %{$circle}) {
my $path = $both;
my $circleid = $_;
print "\n circle is $circleid \n";
my $circleidvalue = $circle->{$_};
my $file_csv_path = "/opt/offline/reports/$circleid";
my %sdp_hash =();
print "\n file is $file_csv_path csv file \n";
if (-d "$file_csv_path") {
} else {
mkdir("$file_csv_path", 0755);
my $csv_new_file
= $file_csv_path
. "\/FDP_"
. $circleid
. $mday_ . "_"
. $mon_ . "_"
. $year_ . "\.csv";
print "\n file is $csv_new_file \n";
print "\n date:$year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";
open(DATA, ">>", $csv_new_file);
$path = $path . $circleid . "/Reporting/EN/Sdp";
print "\n *****path is $path \n";
my @filess = glob("$path/*");
foreach my $file (@filess) {
print "\n Filedate ---------> $filedate file is $file \n";
if ($file =~ /.*_sdp.log.$filedate-*/) {
print "\n found file for $circleid \n";
my $x;
my $log = $file;
my @a = split("-", $file);
my $starttime = $a[3];
my $endtime = $starttime;
my $sdpid;
my $sdpid_value;
$starttime = "$filedate $starttime:00:00";
$endtime = "$filedate $endtime:59:59";
open(FH, "<", "$log") or die "cannot open < $log: $!";
while (<FH>) {
my $line = $_;
print "\n line is $line \n";
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my @a = split(";", $line);
$sdpid = $a[4];
my $stat = $a[3];
print "\n Dumper is x:" . Dumper($x) . "\n";
foreach my $sdpidvalue (keys %{$x}) {
print "\n sdpvalue us: $sdpidvalue \n";
if (exists($x->{$sdpidvalue}->{processed})) {
$processed = $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{processed};
} else {
$processed = 0;
if (exists($x->{$sdpidvalue}->{discarded})) {
$discarded = $x->{$sdpidvalue}->{discarded};
} else {
$discarded = 0;
my $sth_new1 = $dbh->prepare("select id from sdp_details where sdp_name='$sdpid' ");
print "\n sth new is " . Dumper($sth_new1);
while (my $row1 = $sth_new1->fetchrow_hashref) {
$sdpid_value = $row1->{'id'};
print "\n in hash rowref from sdp_details table " . Dumper($sdpid_value);
my $sth_check
= $dbh->prepare(
"select processed,discarded from sdp_incoming_tps where circle_id='$circleidvalue' and sdp_id='$sdpid_value' and start_time='$starttime' and end_time='$endtime'"
print "\n Dumper for bhdatabase statement is " . Dumper($sth_check);
my $duplicate_row = 0;
my ($success_, $failure_);
while (my $row_dup = $sth_check->fetchrow_hashref) {
print "\n row_dup is " . Dumper($row_dup);
$duplicate_row = 1;
$success_ += $row_dup->{'processed'};
$failure_ += $row_dup->{'discarded'};
if ($duplicate_row == 0) {
my $sth
= $dbh->prepare(
"insert into sdp_incoming_tps (id,circle_id,start_time,end_time,processed,discarded,sdp_id) select nextval('sdp_incoming_tps_id'),'$circleidvalue','$starttime','$endtime','$processed','$discarded','$sdpid_value' "
} else {
$success_ += $processed;
$failure_ += $discarded;
my $sth
= $dbh->prepare(
"update sdp_incoming_tps set processed=$success_,discarded=$failure_ where circle_id='$circleidvalue' and sdp_id='$sdpid_value' and start_time='$starttime' and end_time='$endtime'"
# my $file_csv_path = "/opt/offline/reports/$circleid";
# my %sdp_hash =();
# if (-d "$file_csv_path") {
# } else {
# mkdir("$file_csv_path", 0755);
# }
# my $csv_new_file = $file_csv_path . "\/FDP_" . $circleid . "_SDPINCOMINGTPSREPORT_". $mday_ . "_" . $mon_ . "_" . $year_ . "\.csv";
print "\n file is $csv_new_file \n";
print "\n date:$year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";
open(DATA, ">>", $csv_new_file) or die("cant open file : $! \n");
print "\n csv new file is $csv_new_file \n";
my $sth_new2 = $dbh->prepare("select * from sdp_details");
while (my $row1 = $sth_new2->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $sdpid = $row1->{'id'};
$sdp_hash{$sdpid} = $row1->{'sdp_name'};
#print "\n resultant sdp hash".Dumper(%sdp_hash);
print "\n timestamp being matched is $year_-$mon_-$mday_ \n";
print "\n circle id value is $circleidvalue \n";
my $sth_new
= $dbh->prepare(
"select * from sdp_incoming_tps where date_trunc('day',start_time)='$year_-$mon_-$mday_' and circle_id='$circleidvalue'"
print "\n final db line is " . Dumper($sth_new);
my $str = $sth_new->{NAME};
my @str_arr = @$str;
my @upper = map { ucfirst($_) } @str_arr;
$upper[4] = "Sdp-Name";
my $st = join(",", @upper);
$st = $st . "\n";
$st =~ s/\_/\-/g;
#print $fh "sep=,"; print $fh "\n";
print DATA $st;
while (my $row = $sth_new->fetchrow_hashref) {
print "\n found matching row \n";
my $row_line
= $row->{'start_time'} . ","
. $row->{'end_time'} . ","
. $row->{'processed'} . ","
. $row->{'discarded'} . ","
. $sdp_hash{ $row->{'sdp_id'} } . "\n";
print "\n row line matched is " . $row_line . "\n";
print DATA $row_line;
} else {
什麼是'max_connection'在'postgresql.conf'中分配的_value_? – 2014-09-30 06:44:23
@翼,嗨我不知道如何檢查...可以幫助我的方法嗎?謝謝 – Vieypul 2014-09-30 06:47:28
你使用'pgAdmin'還是別的? – 2014-09-30 06:53:26