2016-02-08 31 views


import squint.SImage; 
public class ImageBrightener implements ImageTransformer { 

    public SImage transform(SImage picture) { 
     return BrightenImage(picture); 

    private static SImage BrightenImage(SImage si) { 
     int[][] newReds = BrightenImageSingleChannel(si.getRedPixelArray()); 
     int[][] newGreens = BrightenImageSingleChannel(si.getGreenPixelArray()); 
     int[][] newBlues = BrightenImageSingleChannel(si.getBluePixelArray()); 

     return new SImage(newReds, newGreens, newBlues); 

    // Here is the code to brighten the image and is not functioning properly 
    private static int[][] BrightenImageSingleChannel(int[][] pixelArray) { 
     private static int[][] BrightenImageSingleChannel(int[][] pixelArray) { 
      int columns = pixelArray.length; 
      int rows = pixelArray[0].length; 
      int[][] answer = new int[columns][rows]; 
      for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { 
       for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { 
        answer[x][y] = 255 - pixelArray[x][y] ; 
        answer[x][y] = answer[x][y] + pixelArray[x][y] ; 
      return answer; 

    // Here is the properly functioning code for darkening my image. 
    private static int[][] DarkenImageSingleChannel(int[][] pixelArray) { 
     int columns = pixelArray.length; 
     int rows = pixelArray[0].length; 
     int[][] answer = new int[columns][rows]; 
     for (int x = 0; x < columns; x++) { 
      for (int y = 0; y < rows; y++) { 
       answer[x][y] = (255 * 2)/3 - pixelArray[x][y]; 
     return answer; 

你看過[問]? – Amit




answer[x][y] = 255 - pixelArray[x][y] ; 
answer[x][y] = answer[x][y] + pixelArray[x][y] ; 



answer[x][y] = (pixelArray[x][y] + 255)/2; 

非常感謝!沒有意識到'答案[x] [y]'總是255。 – Peanutcalota