2012-08-01 63 views



我通過重寫我的cookie讀取和寫入方法解決了這個問題。 (使用VisualBasic2010開發並在Windows Server 2008上運行的Web應用程序)

sub update_cookie_string(cookie_string, cookie_subkey ) 

    dim cookie_object as HttpCookie  
    if request.cookies(PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME) is nothing then ' PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME not at browser? 
     cookie_object = new httpcookie(PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME)   ' init cookie object as cookie named: PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME 
     cookie_object = request.cookies(PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME)   ' Read cookie named PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME from page from browser 
    End If 

    cookie_object.Values(cookie_subkey) = cookie_string  ' Update cookie_subkey with new value cookie_string 
    cookie_object.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(365)   ' set expiration for a long time 
    response.Cookies.add(cookie_object)     ' Send it back to browser for storage there. 
end sub 

' Retrieve stored cookie_subkey. 
function get_cookie_string(byval cookie_subkey ) 
    dim cookie_object as HttpCookie  
    if request.cookies(PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME) is nothing then ' PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME not at browser? 
     get_cookie_string = "" 
     get_cookie_string = Request.Cookies(PROGRAM_COOKIE_NAME)(cookie_subkey) ' Return string value of cookie_subkey 
    End If 