我通過this流星教程工作,我已經更新了進口/ UI/task.html,只顯示任務,誰創造了他們如下用戶:流星簡單todos應用程序 - 我如何顯示只有當前用戶不完整的任務計數?
<template name="task">
{{#if isOwner}}
<li class="{{#if checked}}checked{{/if}} {{#if private}}private{{/if}}">
<button class="delete">×</button>
<input type="checkbox" checked="{{checked}}" class="toggle-checked" />
<span class="text">{{text}}</span>
tasks() {
const instance = Template.instance();
if (instance.state.get('hideCompleted')) {
// If hide completed is checked, filter tasks
return Tasks.find({ checked: { $ne: true } }, { sort: { createdAt: -1 } });
// Otherwise, return all of the tasks
// Show newest tasks at the top. This is the meat of the thing!
return Tasks.find({}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 } });
incompleteCount() {
return Tasks.find({ checked: { $ne: true } }).count();
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