'User will be able to copy cell data from one to another.
Public Sub CopyCell(ByVal pv_worksheet_source As Worksheet, _
ByVal pv_range_source_cells As Range, _
ByVal pv_worksheet_destination As Worksheet, _
ByVal pv_range_destination_cells As Range, _
ByRef pr_str_error_message As String)
'first the cells are compared for the data that is in them.
If pv_range_source_cells.Cells.Count <> pv_range_destination_cells.Cells.Count Then
pr_str_error_message = pr_str_error_message & "The cell count " & pv_range_source_cells.Cells.Count & " and " & _
pv_range_destination_cells.Cells.Count & " do not match. The cells of Initial Optics Input and Output cannot be copied!"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim source_cells As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim ArrOut() As String
Dim str_source_worksheet_name As String
Dim str_destination_worksheet_name As String
ArrOut() = Split(pv_range_destination_cells.Address, ",")
i = 0
For Each source_cells In pv_worksheet_source
pv_worksheet_destination.Range(ArrOut(i)).Value = source_cells.Value
i = i + 1
End Sub
Private Sub CopyButton_Click()
'User gets data copied over to specific cells
Dim str_error_message As String
Call CopyCell(Sheet1, _
"A1:A10", _
Sheet2, _
"B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3,C4,D1,D2,D3", _
End Sub
這是錯誤從單擊按鈕時開始的位置。請幫忙,因爲我一直在處理這個問題好幾天了!我真的會認真對待它! :)
你有沒有嘗試將你選擇的數據輸入到一個數組中然後將它們吐出到新的表格上? –
當調用子,你是路過的範圍爲String通過將「A1:A10」,通過這是一個範圍,如表(「工作表Sheet1」)的範圍。(「A1:A10」),它會工作得很好。回到[答案]我早前提供給你的以這種方式瞭解它的簡單性。 –