的瓦楞紙自己的容器的析構函數的char *成員,直到然後我用來應付,在這裏我試圖建立我自己的容器類使用向量。我需要它爲我的工作。我使用代碼塊10.05崩潰,如果刪除使用矢量
class myclass
public :
vector<myclass> array;
char * classname;
//if(classname) delete [] classname;
myclass::myclass(long lvl = 0, const char name[] = "undefined")
:ID(++ ID_counter)
level = lvl;
int namelength = strlen(name);
classname = new char[namelength + 1];
strcpy(classname, name);
add_content(常量MyClass的& C)應該使c.array考覈的元素的副本, 「push_back」他們在this-> array 我發現每個機會我們可以把一個沒有名字的對象作爲參數:mycontainer.add_content(myclass(3,5)); 它的工作原理,但我懷疑有關的範圍應該有
> int main()
> {
> myclass mycontainer(0);
> mycontainer.add_content(myclass(3,5));
> ...
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myclass
public :
vector<myclass> array;
static long ID_counter;
long ID;
long level;
char * classname;
myclass(int n, long lvl, const char name[]); //push_back n elements, lvl = 0, name = "undefined"
myclass(long lvl, const char name[]); //lvl = 0, name = "undefined"
void set_level(long lvl); //recursive function, go down the tree
void add(int n); //push_back n elements
void add(const myclass & c); //push_back and set back the levels
void add_content(const myclass & c); //push_back all the c.array[i] and set back the levels
void show();
template <typename T> myclass & operator[](const T it){ return array[it]; }
long myclass::ID_counter = 0;
myclass::myclass(long lvl = 0, const char name[] = "undefined")
:ID(++ ID_counter)
level = lvl;
int namelength = strlen(name);
classname = new char[namelength + 1];
strcpy(classname, name);
myclass::myclass(int n, long lvl, const char name[] = "undefined")
:ID(++ ID_counter)
level = lvl;
int namelength = strlen(name);
classname = new char[namelength + 1];
strcpy(classname, name);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) array.push_back(myclass(this->level + 1));
//if(classname) delete [] classname; //there is the point !
void myclass::add(int n = 1)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) array.push_back(myclass(level + 1));
void myclass::add(const myclass & c)
array[array.size() - 1].set_level(level + 1);
void myclass::add_content(const myclass & c)
for(int i = 0; i < c.array.size(); i++)
array[array.size() - 1].set_level(level + 1);
void myclass::set_level(long lvl)
level = lvl;
for(int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) array[i].set_level(level + 1);
void myclass::show()
cout << "ID : " << ID << "\tLvl : " << level << "\t Classname : " << classname << endl;
int main()
myclass mycontainer(0); //ground level
mycontainer.add_content(myclass(3,5)); //the 3 elements level 5 should be reset to 0+1
for(int i = 0; i < mycontainer.array.size(); i++)
for(int j= 0; j < mycontainer[i].array.size(); j++)
cout << "\ncheckpoint\n";
system("PAUSE"); //press any key to crash!
return 0;
ID : 1 Lvl : 0 Classname : undefined
ID : 3 Lvl : 1 Classname : undefined
ID : 4 Lvl : 1 Classname : undefined
ID : 5 Lvl : 1 Classname : undefined
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
ID : 1 Lvl : 0 Classname : undefined
ID : 3 Lvl : 1 Classname : ░(?
ID : 4 Lvl : 1 Classname : ░(?
ID : 5 Lvl : 1 Classname : ░(?
Appuyez sur une touche pour continuer...
Process returned -1073741819 (0xC0000005) execution time : 29.651 s
Press any key to continue.
也許對[The Rule of Three](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_of_three_(C%2B%2B_programming))的評論可能揭示這一點,特別是對'myclass'(如果這不明顯)。 – WhozCraig