2015-09-18 54 views

我最近更新到Xcode 7,並像往常一樣出現問題。它真的很遺憾,因爲我期待着Xcode 7中的新功能。Xcode 7 - 無法打開文檔(故事板文件)


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  • 重新啓動的Xcode(沒有工作)。
  • 清潔和重建項目(沒有工作)。
  • 重新啓動Mac(沒有工作)。
  • 從Mac App Store重新安裝Xcode 7(沒有工作)。
  • 在不同的Mac上安裝了Xcode 7(即使使用新的Xcode項目,仍然遇到同樣的問題)。
  • 我試過這個堆棧溢出問題的解決方案:https://stackoverflow.com/a/31614717/1598906 - 但可惜它沒有奏效。
  • 最後,我試圖無濟於事以下終端命令:$ sudo killall -9 ibtoold

是任何人都具有的Xcode 7.0這個問題?如果是這樣,你有沒有設法與其他解決方案?我嘗試了一切我能想到的,沒有任何工作。


2015-09-18 21:09:28.416 ibtoold[1598:39510] [MT] IBPlatformTool: *** Failed to launch tool with description System content 1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default fidelity: Failed to find or create execution context for description System content 1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default fidelity: Failed to find a suitable device for the type SimDeviceType : com.apple.dt.Xcode.IBSimDeviceType.iPad-1x with runtime SimRuntime : 9.0 (13A340) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-0 (Failure reason: Failed to create SimDeviceSet at path /Users/daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/IB Support/Simulator Devices. You'll want to check the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator to see why creating the SimDeviceSet failed.) 2015-09-18 21:09:38.290 ibtoold[1598:39510] [MT] IBPlatformTool: Wrote failed marshalling request diagnostics to path: /var/folders/lx/kkhv57fd2ll7rhdt0bwfpkb00000gn/T/IB-agent-diagnostics_2015-09-18_21-09-28_418000 /* com.apple.ibtool.errors */ /Users/daniel/Desktop/DS APPS/BT/BloodyTest/BloodyTest/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard: error: Could not open document Recovery Suggestion: Failed to connect with the iOS agent. Please file a bug report at bugreport.apple.com and attach a zip file of the diagnostics located at "/var/folders/lx/kkhv57fd2ll7rhdt0bwfpkb00000gn/T/IB-agent-diagnostics_2015-09-18_21-09-28_418000". Underlying Errors: Description: Failed to find or create execution context for description System content 1x for IBCocoaTouchFramework-EightAndLater w/ default fidelity Underlying Errors: Description: Failed to find a suitable device for the type SimDeviceType : com.apple.dt.Xcode.IBSimDeviceType.iPad-1x with runtime SimRuntime : 9.0 (13A340) - com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-9-0 Failure Reason: Failed to create SimDeviceSet at path /Users/daniel/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/IB Support/Simulator Devices. You'll want to check the logs in ~/Library/Logs/CoreSimulator to see why creating the SimDeviceSet failed.





最後,我通過升級到OS X El Capitan和Xcode 7.0.1來實現它。

但我要指出的一件事是,當我查看Xcode應用程序文件時,其中一些文件已損壞,當我更新到Xcode 7.0.1時,此問題未得到解決。所以在安裝OS X埃爾卡皮坦之前,我刪除了以下內容:

  • 的Xcode 7.0.1應用
  • 庫/開發文件夾
  • Macintosh HD /資源庫/開發者文件夾

我再裝OS X El Capitan,然後安裝Xcode 7.0.1,現在一切正常。



這不能幫助我解決其他問題嗎? –


@mihirmehta你在我的問題中嘗試瞭解決方案嗎?你使用的是什麼版本的Xcode:7.0,7.0.1等? – Supertecnoboff


對我來說是配置文件。我正在使用錯誤的配置,並顯示錯誤。看起來像一個Xcode錯誤 –
