#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
// wrapping class for 2D matrixes
class Matrix
size_t rows, columns; // large, unsigned datatype. Don't want negative
// indices, so why allow them?
std::vector<int> matrix; // 1D vector. Simple and easy to handle.
// also often much faster than vector of vectors
// due to improved spatial locality helping
// predictability of data access
// catchable exception should user request impossible dimension transformation
class BadDimsException: public std::exception
const char* what() const noexcept
return "Invalid dimensions specified";
// build zero-filled Matrix
Matrix(size_t numrows, size_t numcols) :
rows(numrows), columns(numcols), matrix(rows * columns)
// build Matrix based on another Matrix with convertable dimensions
// All of the heavy lifting is performed in the member initializer list
// by simply copying data store of source Matrix
// if matrix cannot be transformed, the thrown exception leaves user with
// nothing to work with and no chance of trying to continue with an un-
// transformed matrix
Matrix(size_t numrows, size_t numcols, const Matrix & source) :
rows(numrows), columns(numcols), matrix(source.matrix)
if (rows * columns != source.rows * source.columns)
{ // Bad dimensions. Blow up.
throw BadDimsException();
// 2D to 1D mapping accessor
int & operator()(size_t row, size_t column)
// check bounds here
return matrix[row * columns + column];
// 2D to 1D mapping accessor for constant Matrix
int operator()(size_t row, size_t column) const
// check bounds here
return matrix[row * columns + column];
// dimension accessors
size_t getRows() const
return rows;
size_t getColumns() const
return columns;
// stream formatter
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Matrix & mat)
for (size_t row = 0; row < mat.getRows(); ++row)
for (size_t col = 0; col < mat.getColumns(); ++col)
std::cout << std::setw(5) << mat(row, col);
std::cout << '\n';
return out;
int main()
Matrix one(2, 6); // make 2x6 matrix
int count = 0;
// set inputs to make errors really stand out
for (size_t row = 0; row < one.getRows(); ++row)
for (size_t col = 0; col < one.getColumns(); ++col)
one(row, col) = count++;
// print initial matrix
std::cout << one << '\n';
// make reshaped matrix
Matrix two(3,4, one);
//print reshaped Matrix
std::cout << two << '\n';
// make invalid reshaped matrix
Matrix three(3, 3, one);
// This should never print
std::cout << three << '\n';
catch (const Matrix::BadDimsException & bde)
// Yay! Caught error!
std::cout << bde.what() << '\n';
你要做的不是簡單的清理,但創建一個新的二維數組(也許有不同的大小),並用舊數組中的數據填充它。提示:像這樣初始化'new_nums':'vector> new_nums(r,vector (c));'。我沒有一個好主意來避免這兩個'for'循環,我不確定是否有辦法實現這種更有效的方法......(當然,您可以計算當前行中空閒列的數量並複製一次一堆的變量,但我希望這不會加速優化標誌被使用時的複製。) –
要去你的XY。使用帶有包裝類的1D'vector',使其看起來像'vector'的'vector's所有你需要做的就是將源代碼的包裝vector'複製到目的地的包裝vector'(簡單的' data = src.data')並更改行和列的尺寸。這很好地包裝成構造函數。 – user4581301