2011-10-20 199 views





唯一限定符是否區分大小寫? – DontFretBrett


重複的問題或與http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7840343/only-unique-records-in-a-combobox-vba – JimmyPena


@JP重疊。看起來像一個只涉及唯一的值,但它沒有提及排序嗎?我沒有看到它 – DontFretBrett




Sub addIfUnique(CB As ComboBox, value As String) 
    If CB.ListCount = 0 Then GoTo doAdd 
    Dim i As Integer 
    For i = 0 To CB.ListCount - 1 
     If LCase(CB.List(i)) = LCase(value) Then Exit Sub 
    CB.AddItem value 
End Sub 


Sub SortCombo(oCb As MSForms.ComboBox) 
    Dim vaItems As Variant 
    Dim i As Long, j As Long 
    Dim vTemp As Variant 
    vaItems = oCb.List 
    For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) - 1 
     For j = i + 1 To UBound(vaItems, 1) 
      If vaItems(i, 0) > vaItems(j, 0) Then 
       vTemp = vaItems(i, 0) 
       vaItems(i, 0) = vaItems(j, 0) 
       vaItems(j, 0) = vTemp 
      End If 
     Next j 
    Next i 
    For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) 
     oCb.AddItem vaItems(i, 0) 
    Next i 
End Sub 

我已經測試代碼排序和在組合框去除重複。在添加所有項目後,它將在組合框列表上運行。將項目添加到組合框可能會使用範圍或文件等來執行,下面只是一個示例。 主要部分是排序功能。 有一點要記住,這兩個函數對象參數是通過引用傳遞所以調用不使用括號像這樣的時候(我得到了‘當我做對象所需’的錯誤):

'example of calling function below  
GetItemsFromRange Worksheets(1).Range("A1:A20"), MyComboBox 

'Build combobox list from range 
Private Function GetItemsFromRange(ByRef inRange As Range, ByRef SampleBox As ComboBox) 
Dim currentcell As Range 
For Each currentcell In inRange.Cells 
If Not IsEmpty(currentcell.Value) Then 
SampleBox.AddItem (Trim(currentcell.Value)) 
End If 
Next currentcell 
'call to sorting function, passing combobox by reference, 
'removed brackets due to 'Object Required' error 
sortunique SampleBox 
End Function 


Private Function sortunique(ByRef SampleBox As ComboBox) 
Dim temp As Object 'helper item for swaps 
Dim i As Long 'ascending index 
Dim j As Long 'descending index 
i = 0 'initialize i to first index in the list 

If SampleBox.ListCount > 1 Then 
'more than one item - start traversing up the list 
If SampleBox.List(i, 0) = SampleBox.List(i + 1, 0) Then 
'duplicate - remove current item 
SampleBox.RemoveItem (i) 
'item removed - go back one index  
i = i - 1 
ElseIf SampleBox.List(i, 0) > SampleBox.List(i + 1, 0) Then 
'if next item's value is higher then the current item's 
temp = SampleBox.List(i, 0) 
'then make a swap  
SampleBox.List(i, 0) = SampleBox.List(i + 1, 0) 
SampleBox.List(i + 1, 0) = temp 
'and if index is more than 0 
If i > 0 Then 
j = i 
'start traversing down to check if our swapped item's value is lower or same as earlier item's 
    If SampleBox.List(j - 1, 0) = SampleBox.List(j, 0) Then 
    'if duplicate found - remove it 
    SampleBox.RemoveItem (j) 
    'update ascending index (it's decreased for all items above our index after deletion) 
    i = i - 1 
    'and continue on the way up 
    Exit Do 
    ElseIf SampleBox.List(j - 1, 0) > SampleBox.List(j, 0) Then 
    'If item earlier in the list is higher than current 
    temp = SampleBox.List(j, 0) 
    'make a swap 
    SampleBox.List(j, 0) = SampleBox.List(j - 1, 0) 
    SampleBox.List(j - 1, 0) = temp 
    'When no lower value is found - exit loop 
    Exit Do 
    End If 
'update descending index 
j = j - 1 
'continue if items still left below 
Loop While j > 0 
End If 
End If 
'update ascending index 
i = i + 1 
'continue if not end of list 
Loop While i < SampleBox.ListCount - 1 
End If 
End Function