def password():
guessCount = 0
password = input("Anna please enter a password here\n:")
guesser = input("Guesser please enter your name here\n:")
print("Welcome",guesser,"to the Password Guessing Game.\nYou have 8 attempts to guess my password.\nGood Luck!")
for count in range (8):
passwordGuess = input("Guess the password\n:")
if passwordGuess == password:
guessCount = guessCount + 1
print("Well Done!")
print("It took you",guessCount,"attempt(s) to guess the password!")
guessCount = guessCount + 1
print("Try again")
歡迎來到Stack Overflow :)這是什麼語言?請爲該語言添加標籤。另外,你爲什麼要在這裏使用'while'循環? – 2014-10-09 17:46:05
如果你搜索「用戶輸入while循環」,你會發現一般的模式。你甚至可以用你正在使用的語言找到它。 – 2014-10-09 17:48:45
我不知道你爲什麼想要這樣做,但是你可以直接用while來替換單詞,並在循環前有一個「count = 0」,它將全部工作。 – Spade 2014-10-09 18:05:55