2013-10-08 41 views


我得到這個錯誤:error "Image Events got an error: Can’t make item 1 of dimensions of image \"1mouwi.jpg\" into type specifier." number -1700 from item 1 of dimensions of image "1mouwi.jpg" to specifieritem 1重複循環。有關如何解決這個問題的任何幫助?


for f in ~/Pictures/DESKTOPS/*; do [[ $(mdls -rn kMDItemPixelWidth "$f") -ge 1920 ]] && mv "$f" ~/Pictures/DESKTOPS_HD/; done


set picFolder to alias ":Users:USERNAME:Pictures:DESKTOPS:" 
set hdFolder to alias ":Users:USERNAME:Pictures:DESKTOPS_HD:" 

tell application "System Events" 
    set photos1 to path of files of picFolder 
    set num to count of photos1 
    set photos to items 2 thru num of photos1 
end tell 

set hd to {} 
repeat with imgPath in photos 
    set imgAlias to alias imgPath 
    tell application "Image Events" 
     set img to open imgPath 
     set width to item 1 of dimensions of img 
     if width > 1919.0 then 
      set end of hd to imgAlias 
     end if 
     close img 
    end tell 
end repeat 

tell application "Finder" 
    move hd to hdFolder 
end tell 




set width to item 1 of (get dimensions of img) 


set picFolder to (path to pictures folder as text) & "DESKTOPS:" 
set hdFolder to (path to pictures folder as text) & "DESKTOPS_HD:" 

tell application "System Events" to set photos1 to path of files of folder picFolder 
set photos to items 2 thru end of photos1 

set hd to {} 
repeat with imgPath in photos 
    set imgAlias to alias imgPath 
    tell application "Image Events" 
     set img to open imgAlias 
     set width to item 1 of (get dimensions of img) 
     close img 
    end tell 

    if width > 1919 then 
     set end of hd to imgAlias 
    end if 
end repeat 

tell application "Finder" 
    if hd is not {} then move hd to folder hdFolder 
end tell 

感謝您的優化!我會在稍後嘗試。 – ZuluDeltaNiner


我如何使這個文件夾操作? – ZuluDeltaNiner


你可能只是在外殼使用mdls -rn kMDItemPixelWidth

brew install imagemagick; identify -format %w input.png

sips --getProperty pixelWidth input.png | awk 'END{print $NF}'


第一個是applescript,其他的是UNIX,對吧? – ZuluDeltaNiner



tell application "Image Events" 
    set img to open imgPath 
    set dim to dimensions of img 
    set width to item 1 of dim 