2014-01-21 39 views



關聯數組在LotusScript中稱爲Lists。 Here's LotusScript中列出的IBM頁面。從該頁面


' Declare a list to hold employee IDs. 
' The list tags will be the names of the employees. 
Dim empList List As Double 
' Make absolutely sure empList is Double. 
If TypeName(empList) <> "DOUBLE LIST" Then 
    Print "Warning: empList is " & TypeName(empList) 
End If 
If DataType(empList) <> 2053 Then 
    Print "Warning: empList is " & CStr(DataType(empList)) 
    ' We expected 2053 (that is, 2048 + 5). 
End If 
' Declare a String variable for user name. 
Dim ans As String 
' Declare a Double variable for user ID. 
Dim yourID As Double 
' Declare an Integer variable to serve as a flag. 
Dim found As Boolean 
' Create some list elements and assign them values. 
empList("Maria Jones") = 12345 
empList("Roman Minsky") = 23456 
empList("Joe Smith") = 34567 
empList("Sal Piccio") = 91234 
' Ask the user to enter the name to be removed from the 
' list of employees who have been assigned parking spaces. 
ans$ = InputBox$("Which employee no longer needs a space?") 
' Check to see if the employee's name appears as a list tag 
' in the list. If not, display a message and stop. Otherwise, 
' validate the employee's ID. If everything checks out, 
' remove the employee item from the parking list. 
If IsElement(empList(ans$)) = True then 
    Print ans$ & " is a valid employee name." 
    yourID# = CDbl(InputBox$("What's " & ans$ & "'s ID?")) 
    ' The following ForAll block does two things: 
    ' it checks to see if yourID# is a valid ID and, 
    ' if so, if it matches the ID for the employee 
    ' whose name is ans$. If so, that element is removed 
    ' (erased) from the list. The found flag is initially 
    ' FALSE (0). If yourID# is a valid ID, found is set to 
    ' TRUE (-1). The variable empID is the reference variable 
    ' in the ForAll loop. 
    found = FALSE 
    ForAll empID In empList 
     If empID = yourID# then 
      found = TRUE 
      If ListTag(empID) = ans$ then 
       Erase empList(ans$) 
       ' Verify the removal of the list element. 
       If IsElement(empList(ans$)) = FALSE then 
       Print ans$ & " is no longer on the list." 
      End If 
       Print "Valid ID but wrong employee." 
      End If 
      ' No need to look further for yourID#, 
      ' so get out of the ForAll loop. 
      Exit ForAll 
     End If 
    End ForAll 
    If found = False then 
     Print "No such employee ID." 
    End If 
    Print "No such employee." 
End if 

非常感謝,它的工作原理! –


這裏是一篇關於我寫回來的列表的博客文章: http://blog.texasswede.com/sntt-lists-the-forgotten-gem-in-lotusscript/ 這裏是一個如何改進的例子通過使用列表實質性表現:http://blog.texasswede.com/using-lotusscript-lists-to-increase-performance/ –