2013-01-05 92 views





sub alphanumero{ 
my ($n,$length,$type)[email protected]_; 
my @to_b36 = (0 .. 9, 'A' .. 'Z'); 
use integer; # so that /= 36 is easy 
my $u=$n%10;$n=21767823360+($n-$u)/10; 
my $t = "";do { $t = $to_b36[$n % 36] . $t, $n /= 36 } while $n; 
return "$t$u"; 

莫非你展示你試過的代碼? –


@divid添加的代碼,我試過.. –



Perl有大的數字小問題,如果你的號碼真的是巨大的,只是use bignum。這透明地啓用無限精度算術。

您的號碼21767823360需要大約35位。我的perl使用64位整數構建(請參閱perl -v以檢查您的支持),因此您的電話號碼對我來說不是「太大」。


# pseudocode 
let "digits"   be the array containing all the digits of our representation. 
         # the size of digits is the base of our new representation 
         # the digits are sorted in ascending order. 
         #digits[0] is zero. 
var "n"    is the number we want to represent. 
var "size"   is the number of digits of the new representation. 
         # floor(ln(n)/ln(digits.size)) 
var "representation" is the empty string. 
while size >= 0: 
    representation ← representation.concat(digits[n/digits.length^size]). 
    n    ← n.modulo(digits.length^size). 
    size   ← size - 1. 
return representation. 


use strict; use warnings; 
use Carp; 

sub base_n { 
    my ($number, $base, $max_digits, $pad) = @_; 
    defined $number or croak "Undefined number for base_n"; 
    $number == int $number and $number >= 0 
        or croak "The number has to be a natural number for base_n"; 
    defined $base or croak "Undefined base for base_n"; 
    $base == int $base and $base > 0 
        or croak "The base has to be a positive integer for base_n"; 

    my @digits = (0 .. 9, "A" .. "Z"); 
    $base <= @digits or croak "base_n can only convert to base-" . @digits . " max."; 
    @digits = @digits[0 .. $base - 1]; 

    my $size = $number ? int(log($number)/log($base)) : 0; # avoid log(0) 
    if (defined $max_digits) { 
    $size < $max_digits 
     or croak "The number $number is too large for $max_digits digits in base $base."; 
    $size = $max_digits - 1 if $pad; 

    my $representation = ""; 
    while ($size >= 0) { 
    $representation .= $digits[$number/@digits**$size]; 
    $number   %= @digits**$size; 

    if (wantarray) { 
    my $checksum = substr $representation, -1; 
    return $representation, $checksum; 
    } else { 
    return $representation; 


use Test::More; 
my $n = 21767823360; 
ok "A000000" eq base_n($n => 36),  "simple"; 
ok "A000000" eq base_n($n => 36, 8),  "valid constraint"; 
ok "0A000000" eq base_n($n => 36, 8, 1), "padding"; 
ok ! eval { base_n($n => 36, 6); 1 }, "invalid constraint"; 
ok "0" eq (base_n($n => 36))[1],   "checksum (1)"; 
ok "A" eq (base_n($n+10 => 36))[1],  "checksum (2)"; 
ok "0" eq base_n(0 => 36),    "zero: simple"; 
ok "0"x8 eq base_n(0 => 36, 8, 1),  "zero: padding"; 
ok ! eval { base_n($n => 0.7); 1 },  "invalid base"; 
ok ! eval { base_n(0.7 => 36); 1 },  "invalid number"; 
ok $n == base_n($n => 10),    "round-trip safety"; 
ok $n eq base_n($n => 10, length $n, 1), "round-trip safety: padding"; 

真棒....我嘗試這個,希望它會工作好:) –
