2016-12-02 20 views

排序後打印輸出不正確,排序錯誤。我也不確定如何在每個字符串中的平均分數。 下面是示例輸出:如何使用C中的結構和選擇排序字符串對文件進行排序

| Student Name|Identification|Exam 1|Exam 2|Project 1|Project 1|Average|Grade| 
| Holtkamp, Norman| N21102485| 83| 61| 62| 78| 71.00| C| 
| Bellomy, Shavonda| N94185259| 74| 96| 80| 98| 87.00| B| 
| Clutter, Loris| N68760306| 83| 68| 93| 70| 78.50| C| 
| Rountree, Edythe| N76813896| 98| 91| 90| 81| 90.00| A| 
| Waldeck, Marylee| N44293872| 88| 100| 70| 87| 86.25| B| 
|Index|    Student Name|Identification|Exam 1|Exam 2|Project 1|Project 1|Average|Grade| 
| 1 |   Rountree, Edythe|  N76813896| 98| 91|  90|  81| 90.00| A| 
| 2 |  Bellomy, Shavonda|  N94185259| 74| 96|  80|  98| 87.00| B| 
| 3 |   Waldeck, Marylee|  N44293872| 88| 100|  70|  87| 86.25| B| 
| 4 |   Clutter, Loris|  N68760306| 83| 68|  93|  70| 78.50| C| 
| 5 |   Holtkamp, Norman|  N21102485| 83| 61|  62|  78| 71.00| C| 

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <stdbool.h> 
#include <string.h> 
//Struct groups each line in the file 
struct gradesRecord 
     int iIndex; // index on the file 
     char cStudentName[26]; // student name field 
     char iStudentINDnum[9]; // 'Student id ' field 
     int iExamGrouped[2]; // 'Exam 1'..'Exam 2' fields 
     int iProjectGrouped[2]; 
     float fAverage; 
     char cStudentGD; // 'Grade' field 
void printUnsortedStringFromFile(int amount, struct gradesRecord A[]); 
void printSortedStringFromFile(int amount, struct gradesRecord A[]); 
void flushScanf(); 
int main() 
    FILE* spData = fopen("records.ssv", "r"); 
    int ch, number_of_lines = 0; 
     ch = fgetc(spData); 
     if (ch == '\n') 
    } while (ch != EOF); 

    if (ch != '\n' && number_of_lines != 0) 

    printf("There are %d lines in file records.ssv . \n", number_of_lines); 
    int amount = number_of_lines; 
    struct gradesRecord A[amount]; 
    printUnsortedStringFromFile(amount, A); 
    printSortedStringFromFile(amount, A); 
    return 0; 

* Function Name: printUnsortedStringFromFile 
* Input Parameters: takes array A 
* Description: This fuction prints the original list that was unsorted in grades.csv 
* Return Value: void 
void printUnsortedStringFromFile(int amount, struct gradesRecord A[amount]) 
    FILE *spData; 
    spData = fopen("records.ssv", "r"); 
    if(spData == NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Error opening the file records.ssv.\n"); 
    printf("|   Student Name|Identification|Exam 1|Exam 2|Project 1|Project 2|Grade|\n"); 
    char sLine[amount]; //local string to read one row 
    int j = 0; //storage index 
    while((fgets(sLine, amount, spData)) != NULL) 
    sscanf(sLine, "%20[^;] ; %9[^;] ; %5d ; %5d ; %5d ; %5d ; %c", 
     A[j].cStudentName, A[j].iStudentINDnum, &(A[j].iExamGrouped[0]), &(A[j].iExamGrouped[1]), 
     &(A[j].iProjectGrouped[0]), &(A[j].iProjectGrouped[1]), &(A[j].cStudentGD)); 
    if(strcmp(A[j].cStudentName, " ")> 0){ 
    printf("| %20s|  %9s| %5d| %5d| %5d|  %5d| %c| \n", 
     A[j].cStudentName, A[j].iStudentINDnum, A[j].iExamGrouped[0], A[j].iExamGrouped[1], 
     A[j].iProjectGrouped[0], A[j].iProjectGrouped[1], A[j].cStudentGD); 
    j++; // next row 

    if (fclose(spData) == EOF) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Error closing the file records.ssv. \n"); 

* Function Name: printSortedStringFromFile 
* Input Parameters: takes int amount, struct gradesRecord A 
* Description: This function prints the sorted version of the file grades.csv omitting 
*    the exam values and giving each string a index number 
* Return Value: void 

void printSortedStringFromFile(int amount, struct gradesRecord A[amount]) 
    FILE *spData; 
    spData = fopen("records.ssv", "r"); 
    if(spData == NULL) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Error opening the file grades.csv.\n"); 

    char sLine[amount]; 
    int iLine = 0, iRow; 
    int x; 
    struct gradesRecord grRow; 

    while((fgets(sLine, amount, spData)) != NULL) 
    // extract one Row and store it into grRow 
    sscanf(sLine, "%20[^;] ; %9[^;] ; %5d ; %5d ; %5d ; %5d ; %2.2f ; %c", 
     grRow.cStudentName, grRow.iStudentINDnum, &(grRow.iExamGrouped[0]), &(grRow.iExamGrouped[1]), 
     &(grRow.iProjectGrouped[0]), &(grRow.iProjectGrouped[1]), &(grRow.fAverage), &(grRow.cStudentGD)); 
    // keep the line index of that row 
     grRow.iIndex = iLine; 
    // target loop = Selection sort algorithm 
    for (iRow = 0; iRow < iLine - 1; iRow++){ 
     for(x = iRow + 1; x < iLine; x++){ 
     if (A[iRow].cStudentGD < A[x].cStudentGD) { 
      struct gradesRecord tmp = A[iRow]; 
      A[iRow] = A[x]; 
      A[x] = tmp; 
     int j = 0; 
    printf("|Index|   Student Name|Identification|Exam 1|Exam 2|Project 1|Project 2|Average|Grade|\n"); 

     int index; 
     while (j < amount - 1) 
     index = j+1; 
     printf("| %4d| %20s|  %9s| %5d| %5d| %5d| %5d| %2.2f| %c| \n", 
     index, A[j].cStudentName, A[j].iStudentINDnum, A[j].iExamGrouped[0], A[j].iExamGrouped[1], 
     A[j].iProjectGrouped[0], A[j].iProjectGrouped[1], A[j].fAverage, A[j].cStudentGD); 
    if (fclose(spData) == EOF) 
     fprintf(stderr, "Error closing the file records.ssv. \n"); 

這裏是 「records.ssv」

Panzer, Lelia;N58288536;89;82;91;65;B 
Basler, Jennifer;N42495906;74;71;87;91;B 
Leaton, Cindi;N66735910;67;93;76;79;C 
Bishop, Carolyne;N85576519;86;94;92;69;B 
Lucey, Callie;N55890919;86;84;88;87;B 
Tweed, Mirta;N94974972;62;95;85;92;B 
Fontenot, Rosette;N44585447;98;62;74;74;C 
Holtkamp, Norman;N21102485;83;61;62;78;C 
Bellomy, Shavonda;N94185259;74;96;80;98;B 
Clutter, Loris;N68760306;83;68;93;70;C 
Rountree, Edythe;N76813896;98;91;90;81;A 
Waldeck, Marylee;N44293872;88;100;70;87;B 
Putnam, Tuyet;N82771281;69;99;68;67;C 
Michaels, Arnette;N33948917;86;65;99;64;C 
Strawder, Wendolyn;N05586646;86;64;80;97;B 
Montufar, Melvin;N36545740;80;61;74;92;C 
Fey, Letha;N61908241;73;89;71;68;C 
Deluna, Vaughn;N74322300;94;69;67;60;C 
Wever, Marguerita;N37176367;95;92;95;70;B 
Buckingham, Lena;N87562246;95;64;89;71;C 
Fridley, Verona;N53223806;67;83;71;61;C 
Ebarb, Gladis;N66138130;89;70;87;90;B 
Tichenor, Monika;N40314334;88;62;62;100;C 
Doran, Novella;N24182986;78;62;65;71;D 
Relyea, Mazie;N64652923;89;95;72;76;B 
Kendall, Roma;N22064372;91;84;72;88;B 
Brannock, Henriette;N19795353;67;92;63;90;C 
Laine, Clint;N83838870;88;83;82;77;B 
Reichenbach, Sharleen;N02253867;81;96;91;73;B 
Evers, Hanna;N05833153;75;79;75;98;B 
Regina, Amal;N52372967;95;73;73;89;B 
Lightle, Desmond;N81006603;75;66;61;71;D 
Yeoman, In;N30566266;89;99;98;89;A 
Garling, Nereida;N05192538;89;92;74;99;B 
Hanna, Assunta;N39624931;91;80;72;80;B 
Danko, Mignon;N47365488;79;67;86;65;C 
Urich, Virgen;N57019166;70;82;72;88;C 
Czapla, Ermelinda;N38233556;93;83;60;87;B 
Happ, Mina;N46726472;84;98;60;66;C 
Sudderth, Deloris;N88538002;86;71;82;82;B 
Palermo, Kenna;N44857147;72;69;83;75;C 
Wiedemann, Usha;N29831009;86;78;89;81;B 
Saeed, Ruth;N47933985;78;62;99;99;B 
Burell, Colin;N75299461;77;85;99;99;A 
Heckert, Edie;N58264115;92;96;96;89;A 
Polley, Denver;N77063394;99;95;65;95;B 
Weaver, Blanch;N59717716;66;80;89;80;C 
Kibble, Glinda;N68212959;94;95;66;94;B 
Kirker, Willis;N17878125;71;60;87;79;C 
Livesay, Arie;N91011529;89;60;60;84;C

可以添加標籤的編程語言?我認爲它是「C」。 –


是的,這是C,我認爲問題在於選擇排序,但我不知道該怎麼做。 – fgdark


  1. printUnsortedStringFromFile()以及在printSortedStringFromFile()你有

    sscanf(sLine, "%20[^;]… 

    要讀入cStudentName,但20字符不是足夠用於Reichenbach, Sharleen。由於您定義了char cStudentName[26];,因此最大字段寬度爲25就足夠了。

  2. printSortedStringFromFile()你有

    sscanf(sLine, "… %2.2f ; … 


  3. 你說得對排序是probaby錯誤。這是由於在排序前未設置iLine

    iLine = amount-1; // You know that your 'amount' is 1 too high, don't you? 