嗨,我有一個代碼可以有條件地將數據從一張紙複製到工作簿中的多張紙上。此代碼的工作方式爲1.在將數據複製到目標工作表之前,它應刪除目標工作表中所選範圍內的所有數據。對我而言,這部分工作正常,但在刪除數據後,代碼不會粘貼目標工作表中的數據。此外,我已經設置非空字符串的代碼爲「,」,我不知道會不會起作用。此代碼沒有提供任何錯誤,所以我無法對此進行排序。代碼如下: -有條件地使用vba代碼將數據從一張紙複製到多張紙
Option Explicit
Sub Main()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Cl As Range
Dim str1 As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim RowEmpCrnt As Long
Dim RowUpdCrnt As Long
Dim WshtEmp As Worksheet
Set WshtEmp = Sheets("Employee Data")
Set Rng = WshtEmp.UsedRange 'the range to search ie the used range
str1 = "" 'string1 to look for should be empty
str2 = "Working" 'string2 to look for should be empty
Sheets("Updated").Range("B4:AV20000").Value = ""
RowUpdCrnt = 1
For Each Cl In Rng.Columns("AK").Rows
If Cl.Text = str1 Then
RowEmpCrnt = Cl.Row
If WshtEmp.Cells(RowEmpCrnt, "AV").Value = str2 Then
' In my test data, the "Working"s are in column AV and blank cells are in column AK. This For-Each only selects column AV.
' If both column "AK" and column "AV" contain the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet Updated
Cl.Range("B4:AV4").Copy Sheets("Updated").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
With WshtEmp.Rows(RowEmpCrnt)
Set Rng = WshtEmp.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(100)) ' range A:Z
End With
Rng.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Updated").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
End If
End If
Next Cl
Set Rng = Sheets("Employee Data").UsedRange 'the range to search ie the used range
str1 = "," 'string1 to look for should be non empty
str2 = "Transferred" 'string2 to look for
Sheets("Transferred").Range("B4:AV20000").Value = ""
RowUpdCrnt = 1
For Each Cl In Rng.Columns("AK").Rows
If Cl.Text = str1 Then
RowEmpCrnt = Cl.Row
If WshtEmp.Cells(RowEmpCrnt, "AV").Value = str2 Then
' In my test data, the "Transferred"s are in column AV and blank cells are in column AK. This For-Each only selects column AV.
' If both column "AK" and column "AV" contain the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet Transferred
Cl.Range("B4:AV4").Copy Sheets("Transferred").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
With WshtEmp.Rows(RowEmpCrnt)
Set Rng = WshtEmp.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(100)) ' range A:Z
End With
Rng.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Transferred").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
End If
End If
Next Cl
Set Rng = Sheets("Employee Data").UsedRange 'the range to search ie the used range
str1 = "Executive" 'string1 to look for
str2 = "Working" 'string2 to look for
Sheets("Executive").Range("B4:AV20000").Value = ""
RowUpdCrnt = 1
For Each Cl In Rng.Columns("F").Rows
If Cl.Text = str1 Then
RowEmpCrnt = Cl.Row
If WshtEmp.Cells(RowEmpCrnt, "AV").Value = str2 Then
' In my test data, the "Executive"s are in column F and "Working"s are in column AV. This For-Each only selects column AV.
' If both column "F" and column "AV" contain the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet Executive
Cl.Range("B4:AV4").Copy Sheets("Executive").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
With WshtEmp.Rows(RowEmpCrnt)
Set Rng = WshtEmp.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(100)) ' range A:Z
End With
Rng.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Executive").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
End If
End If
Next Cl
Set Rng = Sheets("Employee Data").UsedRange 'the range to search ie the used range
str1 = "Supervisior" 'string1 to look for
str2 = "Working" 'string2 to look for
Sheets("Supervisior").Range("B4:AV20000").Value = ""
RowUpdCrnt = 1
For Each Cl In Rng.Columns("F").Rows
If Cl.Text = str1 Then
RowEmpCrnt = Cl.Row
If WshtEmp.Cells(RowEmpCrnt, "AV").Value = str2 Then
' In my test data, the "Supervisior"s are in column F and "Working"s are in column AV. This For-Each only selects column AV.
' If both column "F" and column "AV" contain the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet Supervisior
Cl.Range("B4:AV4").Copy Sheets("Supervisior").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
With WshtEmp.Rows(RowEmpCrnt)
Set Rng = WshtEmp.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(100)) ' range A:Z
End With
Rng.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Supervisior").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
End If
End If
Next Cl
Set Rng = Sheets("Employee Data").UsedRange 'the range to search ie the used range
str1 = "Workmen" 'string1 to look for
str2 = "Working" 'string2 to look for
Sheets("Workmen").Range("B4:AV20000").Value = ""
RowUpdCrnt = 1
For Each Cl In Rng.Columns("F").Rows
If Cl.Text = str1 Then
RowEmpCrnt = Cl.Row
If WshtEmp.Cells(RowEmpCrnt, "AV").Value = str2 Then
' In my test data, the "Workmen"s are in column F and "Working"s are in column AV. This For-Each only selects column AV.
' If both column "F" and column "AV" contain the correct value copy it to next empty row on sheet Supervisior
Cl.Range("B4:AV4").Copy Sheets("Workmen").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
With WshtEmp.Rows(RowEmpCrnt)
Set Rng = WshtEmp.Range(.Cells(2), .Cells(100)) ' range A:Z
End With
Rng.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Workmen").Range("B3").Cells(RowUpdCrnt, 1)
RowUpdCrnt = RowUpdCrnt + 1
End If
End If
Next Cl
End Sub
它適用於我。使用','是好的。你確定你拼寫正確的搜索字符串? – Amorpheuses
現在它給範圍類的錯誤複製方法失敗Cl.Range。( 「B4:AV4」)的複印紙( 「更新」)範圍( 「B3」)細胞(RowUpdCrnt,1) –
你有2個副本: Cl.Range(「B4:AV4」)和Rng.Copy。這兩個副本中的最後一個覆蓋整個工作範圍的前一個副本。你確定你想要第二個副本嗎? – Amorpheuses