2014-01-22 84 views





- (void)setExtraLineFragmentRect:(NSRect)fragmentRect usedRect:(NSRect)usedRect textContainer:(NSTextContainer *)container; 

// Sets the bounds and container for the extra line fragment. The extra line fragment is used when the text backing ends with a hard line break or when the text backing is totally empty, to define the extra line which needs to be displayed at the end of the text. If the text backing is not empty and does not end with a hard line break, this should be set to NSZeroRect and nil. Line fragment rects and line fragment used rects are always in container coordinates. 

你也可以嘗試子類化NSTextView的大小調整方法,並在其中添加空間。比如,嘗試子類化-setFrameSize:並查看添加的內容(scrollView的內容區域的高度) - (最後一行文本的高度),並調用super。


謝謝,我會嘗試這兩個想法。 – alltom


增加'fragmentRect'的大小不會導致滾動區域被擴展。增加'usedRect'的作用,但它也會導致遊標被畫得很大。 :) – alltom


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