我一直不願意提供附加的代碼示例,感覺我對StackOverFlow的「規範」在發佈可能是「推測性」的代碼方面沒有強烈的理解,感覺這種特殊的嬉戲是某種形式的「突變物種」在實驗室中從「Moreau博士的島上」逃脫:)而且,我認爲Eric Lippert上面的答案是正確的。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
// experimental code : tested to a limited extent
// use only for educational purposes
namespace complexTree
// foundation abstract class template
public abstract class idioNode
// a collection of "itself" !
public List<idioNode> Nodes { private set; get; }
public idioNode Parent { get; set; }
public idioNode()
Nodes = new List<idioNode>();
public void Add(idioNode theNode)
theNode.Parent = this;
// strongly typed Node of type String
public class idioString : idioNode
public string Value { get; set; }
public idioString(string strValue)
Value = strValue;
// strongly typed Node of type Int
public class idioInt : idioNode
public int Value { get; set; }
public idioInt(int intValue)
Value = intValue;
// strongly type Node of a complex type
// note : this is just a "made-up" test case
// designed to "stress" this experiment
// it certainly doesn't model any "real world"
// use case
public class idioComplex : idioNode
public Dictionary<idioString, idioInt> Value { get; set; }
public idioComplex(idioInt theInt, idioString theString)
Value = new Dictionary<idioString, idioInt>();
Value.Add(theString, theInt);
public void Add(idioInt theInt, idioString theString)
Value.Add(theString, theInt);
theInt.Parent = this;
theString.Parent = this;
// special case the Tree's root nodes
// no particular reason for doing this
public class idioTreeRootNodes : List<idioNode>
public new void Add(idioNode theNode)
theNode.Parent = null;
// the Tree object
public class idioTree
public idioTreeRootNodes Nodes { get; set; }
public idioTree()
Nodes = new idioTreeRootNodes();
// make a new idioTree
idioTree testIdioTree = new idioTree();
// make a new idioNode of type String
idioString testIdioString = new idioString("a string");
// add the Node to the Tree
// make a new idioNode of type Int
idioInt testIdioInt = new idioInt(99);
// add to Tree
// make another idioNode of type String
idioString testIdioString2 = new idioString("another string");
// add the new Node to the child Node collection of the Int type Node
// validate inheritance can be verified at run-time
if (testIdioInt.Nodes[0] is idioString) MessageBox.Show("it's a string, idiot");
if (!(testIdioInt.Nodes[0] is idioInt)) MessageBox.Show("it's not an int, idiot");
// make a new "complex" idioNode
// creating a Key<>Value pair of the required types of idioNodes
idioComplex complexIdio = new idioComplex(new idioInt(88), new idioString("weirder"));
// add a child Node to the complex idioNode
complexIdio.Add(new idioInt(77), new idioString("too weird"));
// make another idioNode of type Int
idioInt idioInt2 = new idioInt(33);
// add the complex idioNode to the child Node collection of the new Int type idioNode
// add the new Int type Node to the Tree
// validate you can verify the type of idioComplex at run-time
MessageBox.Show(" tree/2/0 is complex = " + (testIdioTree.Nodes[2].Nodes[0] is idioComplex).ToString());
數據對象之間是否有共同點?他們共享相同的接口或基本類型嗎? – Elisha 2009-11-20 11:32:14
不,但它們通常是邏輯連接的,例如上面的文檔 - >參數.....示例。 – logicnp 2009-11-20 13:08:25