2012-08-08 82 views


應用程序:字符串是公路項目的位置層次結構。因此,項目5具有對齊C,其具有N和工作區3的偏移; 5CN3。但是,有時我想爲包含所有位置的項目任務的所有子位置定義一個字符串。所以,'0'是所有地點;對於半年的操作,如等級污垢沒有工作區 - 所有代表此任務的都是北向對齊C中的所有工作區; 5CN0。如果一個操作覆蓋整個項目,這也是一樣的; 5000.

方法:我可以使用通配符'?'功能,但我想保留這個特定的步驟來抽象地點的目的。也許 '?'是正確的做法,但似乎放鬆了一些控制。此外,這可以寫入沒有for循環,並使用位置索引參數;也許這就是出問題的地方 - 也許是回溯。


bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word)) //check if prefix can be combined 
    if(word == "") { //base case: all char found 
     return true; 
    } else { 
     for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) { //Loop through all of the children of the current node 
      if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0]) 
       return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1)); 
      else if (word[0] == '0') //if '0' then step over and continue searching for valid path 
       containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1)); //removed return here to allow looping through all the possible paths 
     } //I think it is continuing through after the loop and triggering return false 
    return false; //if char is missing - meaning the exact code is not there 


我在一段時間內攻擊了這個問題,並使用'howboutthis howboutthat'方法,並發現將return放置在step over語句的結尾處。

bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word, int &time, int &wag, string compare) //check if prefix can be combined 
    if(word == "") { //base case: all letters found 
     if ((w->begin-wag) <= time && time <= (w->end+wag)) 
      return w->isWord; // case 2: timecard check for high/low date range 
     else if (time == ConvertDateToEpoch(9999, 01, 01)) return w->isWord; //this is for single code lookup w/o date 
    } else { 
     for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) { //Loop through all of the children of the current node 
      if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0]) 
       return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1), time, wag, compare); 
      else if (word[0] == 'ž') 
       if (containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1), time, wag, compare)) return true; 
    return false; //if char is missing - meaning the exact code is not there 






bool Lexicon::containsWordHelper(nodeT *w, string word) 
     if(word == "") return w->isWord; 
     else { 
      for(int i = 0; i < w->alpha.size(); i++) { 
       if (w->alpha[i].letter == word[0]) 
        return containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1)); 
       else if (word[0] == 'ž') 
        if (containsWordHelper(w->alpha[i].next, word.substr(1))) return true; 
     return false; 



聲明移除了'如果(字==「」)返回TRUE;例外的'returns'和它遵循的路徑返回通過,返回true,但繼續for循環,並最終/以某種方式測試錯誤。 – 2012-08-08 21:46:03


如果這是你打算說的話,除了基本情況'return'外,刪除'returns'不起作用。 – 2012-08-08 22:12:25