我工作的谷歌端點API 2.0,並嘗試使用thiscom.google.api.server.spi.auth.EspAuthenticator沒有找到


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     <!-- Compile/runtime dependencies --> 

     <!-- Test Dependencies --> 


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       <!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only. It has no influence on the Maven build itself.--> 


package com.google.devrel.training.conference.spi; 

import static com.google.devrel.training.conference.service.OfyService.ofy; 

import java.util.List; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.auth.GoogleOAuth2Authenticator; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.auth.EspAuthenticator; // not available 

import com.google.api.server.spi.config.Api; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiIssuer; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiIssuerAudience; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.config.ApiMethod.HttpMethod; 
import com.google.api.server.spi.response.UnauthorizedException; 
import com.google.appengine.api.users.User; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.Constants; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.domain.Conference; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.domain.Profile; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.form.ConferenceForm; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.form.ConferenceQueryForm; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.form.ProfileForm; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.form.ProfileForm.TeeShirtSize; 
import com.google.devrel.training.conference.service.OfyService; 
import com.googlecode.objectify.Key; 
import com.googlecode.objectify.cmd.Query; 

* Defines conference APIs. 
@Api(name = "conference", version = "v1", scopes = { Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE }, 
authenticators = {com.google.api.server.spi.auth.EspAuthenticator.class}, 
//EspAuthenticator not available 
issuers = { 
       name = "firebase", 
       issuer = "https://securetoken.google.com/***PROJECT ID***", 
       jwksUri = "https://www.googleapis.com/service_accounts/v1/metadata/x509/[email protected]") 
issuerAudiences = { 
     @ApiIssuerAudience(name = "firebase", audiences = "***PROJECT ID***") 
clientIds = { 
     Constants.WEB_CLIENT_ID, Constants.API_EXPLORER_CLIENT_ID }, description = "API for the Conference Central Backend application.") 
public class ConferenceApi { 

    * Get the display name from the user's email. For example, if the email is 
    * [email protected], then the display name becomes "lemoncake." 
    private static String extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(String email) { 
     return email == null ? null : email.substring(0, email.indexOf("@")); 

    * Creates or updates a Profile object associated with the given user 
    * object. 
    * @param user 
    *   A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. 
    * @param profileForm 
    *   A ProfileForm object sent from the client form. 
    * @return Profile object just created. 
    * @throws UnauthorizedException 
    *    when the User object is null. 

    // Declare this method as a method available externally through Endpoints 
    @ApiMethod(name = "saveProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST) 
    // The request that invokes this method should provide data that 
    // conforms to the fields defined in ProfileForm 

    // TODO 1 Pass the ProfileForm parameter 
    // TODO 2 Pass the User parameter 
    public Profile saveProfile(final User user,ProfileForm profileForm) throws UnauthorizedException { 

     String userId = null; 
     String mainEmail = null; 
     String displayName = "Your name will go here"; 
     TeeShirtSize teeShirtSize = TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED; 

     // TODO 2 
     // If the user is not logged in, throw an UnauthorizedException 
      throw new UnauthorizedException("Unauthorized Exception"); 

     // TODO 1 
     // Set the teeShirtSize to the value sent by the ProfileForm, if sent 
     // otherwise leave it as the default value 

     // TODO 1 
     // Set the displayName to the value sent by the ProfileForm, if sent 
     // otherwise set it to null 
//  displayName=profileForm.getDisplayName(); 

     // TODO 2 
     // Get the userId and mainEmail 

     // TODO 2 
     // If the displayName is null, set it to default value based on the user's email 
     // by calling extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(...) 
//  if(displayName==null){ 
//   displayName=extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(mainEmail); 
//  } 

     // Create a new Profile entity from the 
     // userId, displayName, mainEmail and teeShirtSize 
     Key<Profile> key=Key.create(Profile.class,userId); 
     Profile profile = ofy().load().key(key).now(); 



      profile=new Profile(userId,displayName, mainEmail, teeShirtSize); 
      profile.update(profileForm.getDisplayName(), profileForm.getTeeShirtSize()); 

     // TODO 3 (In Lesson 3) 
     // Save the Profile entity in the datastore 

     // Return the profile 
     return profile; 

    * Returns a Profile object associated with the given user object. The cloud 
    * endpoints system automatically inject the User object. 
    * @param user 
    *   A User object injected by the cloud endpoints. 
    * @return Profile object. 
    * @throws UnauthorizedException 
    *    when the User object is null. 
    @ApiMethod(name = "getProfile", path = "profile", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET) 
    public Profile getProfile(final User user) throws UnauthorizedException { 
     if (user == null) { 
      throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); 

     // TODO 
     // load the Profile Entity 
     String userId = user.getUserId(); // TODO 
     Key<Profile> key = Key.create(Profile.class,userId); // TODO 
     Profile profile=(Profile) ofy().load().key(key).now(); // TODO load the Profile entity 
     return profile; 

    * Gets the Profile entity for the current user 
    * or creates it if it doesn't exist 
    * @param user 
    * @return user's Profile 
    private static Profile getProfileFromUser(User user) { 
     // First fetch the user's Profile from the datastore. 
     Profile profile = ofy().load().key(
       Key.create(Profile.class, user.getUserId())).now(); 
     if (profile == null) { 
      // Create a new Profile if it doesn't exist. 
      // Use default displayName and teeShirtSize 
      String email = user.getEmail(); 
      profile = new Profile(user.getUserId(), 
        extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(email), email, TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED); 
     return profile; 

    * Creates a new Conference object and stores it to the datastore. 
    * @param user A user who invokes this method, null when the user is not signed in. 
    * @param conferenceForm A ConferenceForm object representing user's inputs. 
    * @return A newly created Conference Object. 
    * @throws UnauthorizedException when the user is not signed in. 
    @ApiMethod(name = "createConference", path = "conference", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST) 
    public Conference createConference(final User user, final ConferenceForm conferenceForm) 
     throws UnauthorizedException { 
     if (user == null) { 
      throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Get the userId of the logged in User 
     String userId = user.getUserId(); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Get the key for the User's Profile 
     Key<Profile> profileKey = Key.create(Profile.class,userId); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Allocate a key for the conference -- let App Engine allocate the ID 
     // Don't forget to include the parent Profile in the allocated ID 
     final Key<Conference> conferenceKey = OfyService.factory().allocateId(profileKey, Conference.class); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Get the Conference Id from the Key 
     final long conferenceId = conferenceKey.getId(); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Get the existing Profile entity for the current user if there is one 
     // Otherwise create a new Profile entity with default values 
     Profile profile = ofy().load().key(profileKey).now(); 
      profile=new Profile(user.getUserId(),user.getEmail(),extractDefaultDisplayNameFromEmail(user.getEmail()),TeeShirtSize.NOT_SPECIFIED); 


     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Create a new Conference Entity, specifying the user's Profile entity 
     // as the parent of the conference 
     Conference conference = new Conference(conferenceId,user.getUserId(),conferenceForm); 

     // TODO (Lesson 4) 
     // Save Conference and Profile Entities 

     return conference; 
    public List<Conference> queryConferences(ConferenceQueryForm cqf){ 

     return cqf.getQuery().list(); 

    public List<Conference> getConferencesCreated(User user) throws UnauthorizedException{ 
     if (user == null) { 
      throw new UnauthorizedException("Authorization required"); 
     Query<Conference> query= ofy().load().type(Conference.class).ancestor(Key.create(Profile.class,user.getUserId())).order("name"); 
     return query.list(); 

// @ApiMethod(name="filterPlayground", 
//   path="filterPlayground", 
//   httpMethod=HttpMethod.POST) 
    public List<Conference> filterPlayground(){ 
     Query<Conference> query= ofy().load().type(Conference.class); 
//  query=query.filter("topics=", "Movie Making"); 
//  query=query.filter("month=",6); 
     query=query.filter("maxAttendees >",10).order("maxAttendees").order("name"); 
     return query.list(); 


