2014-06-13 176 views



Public Class BOIS_Collection_Base(Of T) 

功能將接受比什麼是類定義了其他類型。所以,如果我們創建一個BOIS_Collection_Base(Of MyTypeA)的實例,我們可以調用函數ConvertList(Of MyTypeB)



Public Class BOIS_Collection_Base(Of T) 
    Private _convertedList As SLMR_ObjList(Of T) ' I can only seem to define this as (Of T), but want to make sure I can pass in a Type other than the Base(Of T) 
    Public Function ConvertedObjList(Of myT)() As SLMR_ObjList(Of T) ' Should this be (Of T) or (Of myT) since I want it to use whatever Type is passed in 
     For Each tempVar In Me.ObjList 
      Dim newitem As myT = Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(myT), tempVar) 
      ' Next line won't compile, says on newitem 'Value of type 'myT' cannot be converted to 'T' 
     _convertedList.Sort_Direction = Me.Sort_Direction 
     _convertedList.Sort_Expression_List = Me.Sort_Expression_List 
     Return _convertedList 
    End Function 


Dim mainCollInstance As New BOIS_Collection_Base(Of MyTypeA) 
'Code that populates the BOIS_Collection_Base.ObjList property with an SLMR_ObjList(Of MyTypeA) 
' Now I want to take that ObjList, and cast all the items in it to MyTypeB 
Dim newListObj As SLMR_ObjList(Of MyTypeB) = mainCollInstance.ConvertList(Of MyTypeB) 



Public Function ConvertedObjList(Of myT)() As SLMR_ObjList(Of myT) 
    Dim _convertedList = New SLMR_ObjList(Of myT) 



我不確定這是泛型的問題,但你如何實現繼承。如果'MyTypeA'和'MyTypeB'相關,那麼集合類可能應該是'(Of AB_BaseClass)'。更重要的是,如果他們是相關的,那麼它應該很容易從另一個自己創建一個實例:'newItem = New myTypeA(myTypeB)' – Plutonix


我不知道我明白了。請查看更新。 –


如果你想保存它,這意味着你總是將相同的類型傳遞給'ConvertedObjList(Of T)'函數,對吧? –



如果您想保留列表,那麼您無法真正讓消費代碼每次都爲列表傳遞不同的類型。這並沒有多大意義,除非每次調用它時,只需要該函數返回包含給定類型對象的持久列表部分。如果是這種情況,那麼您只需聲明_convertedList As SLMR_ObjList(Of Object),然後過濾它並根據需要將其轉換爲正確的類型。如果,但是,如果我懷疑是這種情況,消費者總是會要求在每次調用該函數時將其轉換爲相同類型,那麼該輸出類型實際上並不是函數調用的屬性。相反,它是全班的財產。在這種情況下,你應該讓你的類需要兩個泛型類型參數,就像這樣:

Public Class BOIS_Collection_Base(Of T, TOut) 
    Private _convertedList As SLMR_ObjList(Of TOut) 

    Public Function ConvertedObjList() As SLMR_ObjList(Of TOut) 
     For Each tempVar As T In Me.ObjList 
      Dim newitem As TOut = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(TOut), tempVar), TOut) 
      ' Next line won't compile, says on newitem 'Value of type 'myT' cannot be converted to 'T' 
     _convertedList.Sort_Direction = Me.Sort_Direction 
     _convertedList.Sort_Expression_List = Me.Sort_Expression_List 
     Return _convertedList 
    End Function 
End Class 


Class MustInherit BiosItem 
    Public Property Name As String 
    Public Property TypeCode As String 
    MustOverride Function Foo(args...) As Type 

    Overridable Property FooBar As String  
    ' etc - the more stuff in the base class the better 

End Class 
Class TypeA 
    Inherits ABClass 

    Public Sub New 
     MyBase.New  ' stuff common to all child types 
     TypeCode = "A" ' EZ type ID rather than GetType 
    End Sub 
End Class 

類的TypeB是相同的,但初始化類型碼爲「B」。對於C-Z也是如此。這些允許您輪詢對象而不需要GetType:If thisObj.TypeCode = "A" Then...。現在,集合類:

Public Class BIOSItems 
    Inherits Collection(Of BiosItem) 
    ' inheriting from Collection<T> provides Add, Count, IndexOf for us 
    ' most important the Items collection 
End Class 



' a ctor overload to create the new thing based on the old things props 
Public Sub New(oldThing As BiosItem) 
    MyClass.New   ' start with basics like TypeCode, MyBase.New 

    With BiosItem   ' coversion 
     myFoo = .Foo 
     myBar = .Bar  ' copy common prop vals to self 
     Select Case .TypeCode 
      Case "B" 
       myProp1 = .Prop33  ' conversions 
       myProp3 = .Prop16 + 3.14 
     End Select 

     ' then initialize stuff unique to this type maybe 
     ' based on other props 
     If .PropX = "FooBar" Then myPropZ = "Ziggy" 
    End With 
End Sub 


Dim varOldBItem As TypeB = myBiosCol(ndx) ' get old item 
Dim varAItem As New TypeA(varOldBItem)  ' call the ctor above 
myBiosCol.Add(varAItem)      ' add new item 
myBiosCol.Remove(varoldBItem)    ' delete the old if need be 

如果BOIS_Collection_Base總是應該包含MyTypeA,然後鍵入它的方式(從Collection<T>繼承,以便似乎仍然)。如果MyTypeB對象永遠不會直接添加到集合中,但首先將其轉換爲MyTypeA(Edit會使這一點不那麼清晰),但上述大部分仍然適用,但繼承除外。 MyTypeA上的一個ctor過載仍然可以使用一箇舊的B對象並基於它創建它自己。如果不從同一個基類繼承,我不會傾向於通過ctor來完成,但可以完成。
