2015-06-25 110 views

如果已經得到回答,但我無法找到它,我表示歉意。這是我想要的:我們都知道刪除範圍,行和列將會拆分條件格式並使其變得醜陋。我想創建一個個人宏:清潔條件格式(Excel VBA)

1.) Searches through all existing Conditional Formatting in the active sheet 
2.) Recognizes duplicates based on their condition and format result 
3.) Finds the leftmost column and highest row in all duplicates 
4.) Finds the rightmost column and lowest row in all duplicates 
5.) Determines a broadened Range using those four values 
6.) Remembers the condition and format 
7.) Deletes all duplicates 
8.) Recreates the Conditional Format over the broadened Range 
9.) Repeats until no more duplicates are found 
10) Outputs how many duplicates were deleted in a MsgBox 

我50%確信我會這樣做我自己,但我有一種感覺,我需要學習如何與數組變量工作。 (其中我完全無知,因此感到害怕)所以如果有人已經創建了這個,那麼我乞求你分享你的天才。或者如果有人認爲他們可以鞭打這一點,我爲你提供了創建可能成爲其中一個的機會個人宏觀用戶的整個人口中最常用的工具(右上角用Ctrl + Shift + V) 。



聽起來好像你想要做的是刪除重複項算多少。條件格式與此有什麼關係?只需定義你的範圍(關於如何做到這一點,大量的關於SO的帖子);計算該範圍內的條目;執行'range.removeduplicates'方法,並重新計數。報告消息框中的差異。如果你不想留下唯一身份證,可能會有所不同,但是從你的帖子中不太清楚。 –


從宏錄製器開始,修改並刪除一些條件格式並使用生成的代碼作爲您的起點。然後編輯您的帖子以包含代碼。 – ChipsLetten


ChipsLetten:感謝您的回覆和雙謝謝理解我的文章!我希望有人可能已經設計了這個工具,並可以給我。我不介意從頭開始,但我認爲在我開始之前詢問是否有人已經「發明了車輪」並不會受傷。 –




Option Explicit 

Public Sub resetConditionalFormatting() 

    Const F_ROW As Long = 2 
    Dim ws As Worksheet, ur As Range, maxCol As Long, maxRow As Long, thisCol As Long 
    Dim colRng As Range, fcCol As Range, fcCount As Long, fcAdr As String 

    Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 
    Set ur = ws.UsedRange 
    maxRow = ur.Rows.Count 
    maxCol = ur.Columns.Count 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    For Each colRng In ws.Columns 
     If colRng.Column > maxCol Then Exit For 
     thisCol = thisCol + 1 
     Set fcCol = ws.Range(ws.Cells(F_ROW, thisCol), ws.Cells(maxRow, thisCol)) 
     With colRng.FormatConditions 
      If .Count > 0 Then 
       fcCount = 1 
       fcAdr = .Item(fcCount).AppliesTo.Address 

       While fcCount <= .Count 
        If .Item(fcCount).AppliesTo.Address = fcAdr Then 
         .Item(fcCount).ModifyAppliesToRange fcCol 
         fcCount = fcCount + 1 
        End If 

      End If 
     End With 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 
End Sub 


  • 它穿過活性片
  • 確定基於組地址
  • 的重複的使用範圍中的每一列如果它發現多組:

    • 對於第一組 - 它將AppliesTo範圍更新爲(firstRow:lastRow)
    • 刪除所有其他組




Initial rules


enter image description here


After copying and pasting the last 2 rows twice


  • 有14種不同類型的規則和許多屬性a重新不​​同
  • 並非所有類型都有.Formula或。一級方程式,甚至相同的格式屬性
  • 類型可以在測試文件中看到或this Microsoft page

保羅,這太神奇了。你真了不起。如果我遇到代碼無法處理的任何情況,我會開始將其工作並讓您知道。 –


我很高興你喜歡它,但它不符合您的所有最初要求。這只是初始嘗試自動執行刪除重複項**的基本任務,因爲每列只應該定義一個單一規則** - 如果爲同一列定義了多個規則,它將刪除除第一個以外的所有規則用它來製作簡單的文件。爲使其儘可能通用,查找重複項的標準變得非常複雜,因爲有14種類型的規則,並且它們沒有像Formula1那樣的相同屬性,格式等。 –


這很好,你是如此持久:)我會在我之前因爲複雜性而放棄的嘗試中給出一個提示 - 我將把代碼放在新的答案中 –



Option Explicit 

Private Const SP As String = "||" 'string delimiter, or SeParator 

Public Sub x() 
    resetConditionalFormatting Sheet1.UsedRange 
End Sub 

Public Sub resetConditionalFormatting(Optional ByRef rng As Range = Nothing) 
    Const FIRST_ROW As Long = 2 

    Dim colRng As Range, thisCol As Long, fc As FormatCondition, thisFC As Long 
    Dim maxCell As Range, ws As Worksheet, cell1 As Range, cell2 As Range 

    If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
    Set ws = rng.Parent 
    Set maxCell = GetMaxCell(rng) 

    If maxCell.Row > 1 Or maxCell.Column > 1 Or Len(maxCell) > 0 Then 
     thisCol = 1 
     Set cell1 = ws.Cells(FIRST_ROW, thisCol) 
     Set cell2 = ws.Cells(maxCell.Row, thisCol) 
     For Each colRng In rng.Columns 
      thisFC = 1 
      For Each fc In colRng.FormatConditions 
       fc.ModifyAppliesToRange ws.Range(cell1, cell2) 
       thisFC = thisFC + 1 
      thisCol = thisCol + 1 
    End If 
End Sub 

Private Sub fcDupe(ByRef fc As Variant, ByRef fcType() As String, ByRef dupes As Long) 
    Dim tStr As String, itm As Variant, fcT As Byte 

    On Error Resume Next 'some properties may not be defined at runtime 
    With fc 

     fcT = .Type 

    tStr = SP 
    'Border, Font, and Interior apply to 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17 
    tStr = tStr & CStr(ObjPtr(.Borders)) & _ 
        CStr(ObjPtr(.Font)) & _ 
    'CStr(ObjPtr(fc)): https://support2.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;199824 

     Select Case fcT 
      Case xlCellValue    '1 
       tStr = tStr & .DateOperator 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula1 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula2 
       tStr = tStr & .Operator 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & .Text 
       tStr = tStr & .TextOperator 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlColorScale    '3 
       tStr = SP & CStr(ObjPtr(.ColorScaleCriteria)) 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlDatabar     '4 
       tStr = SP & CStr(ObjPtr(.AxisColor)) & _ 
          CStr(ObjPtr(.BarBorder)) & _ 
          CStr(ObjPtr(.BarColor)) & _ 
          CStr(ObjPtr(.MaxPoint)) & _ 
          CStr(ObjPtr(.MinPoint)) & _ 
       tStr = tStr & .AxisPosition 
       tStr = tStr & .BarFillType 
       tStr = tStr & .Direction 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula 
       tStr = tStr & .PercentMax 
       tStr = tStr & .PercentMin 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & .ShowValue 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlTop10     '5 
       tStr = tStr & .CalcFor 
       tStr = tStr & .Percent 
       tStr = tStr & .Rank 
       tStr = tStr & .TopBottom 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case 6       'XlFormatConditionType.xlIconSet 
       tStr = SP & CStr(ObjPtr(.IconCriteria)) & CStr(ObjPtr(.IconSet)) 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula 
       tStr = tStr & .PercentValue 
       tStr = tStr & .ReverseOrder 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & .ShowIconOnly 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlUniqueValues    '8 
       tStr = tStr & .DupeUnique 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlTextString    '9 
       tStr = tStr & .DateOperator 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula1 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula2 
       tStr = tStr & .Operator 
       tStr = tStr & .ScopeType 
       tStr = tStr & .Text 
       tStr = tStr & .TextOperator 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlAboveAverageCondition '12 
       tStr = tStr & .AboveBelow 
       tStr = tStr & .CalcFor 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula1 
       tStr = tStr & .Formula2 
       tStr = tStr & .NumStdDev 
       tStr = tStr & SP 
      Case xlExpression, _ 
       xlBlanksCondition, _ 
       xlTimePeriod, _ 
       xlNoBlanksCondition, _ 
       xlErrorsCondition, _ 
        tStr = tStr & .Formula1 
        tStr = tStr & .Formula2 
        tStr = tStr & SP 
     End Select 
     If InStr(1, fcType(fcT), tStr, vbBinaryCompare) = 0 Then 
      fcType(fcT) = fcType(fcT) & tStr 
      dupes = dupes + 1 
     End If 
    End With 
End Sub 

Public Function GetMaxCell(Optional ByRef rng As Range = Nothing) As Range 

    'It returns the last cell of range with data, or A1 if Worksheet is empty 

    Const NONEMPTY As String = "*" 
    Dim lRow As Range, lCol As Range 

    If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = Application.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.UsedRange 

    If WorksheetFunction.CountA(rng) = 0 Then 
     Set GetMaxCell = rng.Parent.Cells(1, 1) 
     With rng 
      Set lRow = .Cells.Find(What:=NONEMPTY, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
            After:=.Cells(1, 1), _ 
            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ 
      Set lCol = .Cells.Find(What:=NONEMPTY, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ 
            After:=.Cells(1, 1), _ 
            SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ 
      Set GetMaxCell = .Parent.Cells(lRow.Row, lCol.Column) 
     End With 
    End If 
End Function 


enter image description here


是的! Deeefinitely一個耳塞項目。再次感謝保羅!我可以告訴你的方法比我之前的方法更先進,所以我有一些學習要做!你放棄這種方法的原因是什麼?是不是隻有14種條件格式類型彼此不同纔會導致標準化過程產生錯誤? –


有幾個原因:1.我讓你等待太長時間才能得到答案2.適當的(通用)解決方案對於每個列中條件格式相同的任務而言過於複雜 - 您接受的答案適用於這是相當簡單的(我可以使用它以及一些文件)。更通用的需要更多的努力,並且可能對於複雜的條件格式化,即使那樣,它也可能無法正常工作;它可能是更安全的手動清理它,但也許你會找到一個安全的方式來做到這一點:) –


#1:很奇怪/令人敬畏的人喜歡你仍然存在;感謝您體諒陌生人!我敢打賭,你在高速公路上合併時也會使用轉向燈。 #2:我**會找到一個方法!你的知識點燃的火柴落在了我的不可約性的森林裏;結果是不可阻擋的! (森林大火笑話太快?) –