我一直在收集關於擁有的實例,我需要設置一個。 http://docs.autofac.org/en/latest/advanced/owned-instances.htmlautofac和擁有的實例
private readonly Func<SessionDetails, Owned<ITroposUnitOfWork>> _paramatizedTroposUnitOfWork;
/// <summary>
/// Used for creating manual sessions
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sessionDetails">The details of the session to be created</param>
public TroposUnitOfWork(SessionDetails sessionDetails)
// Throw if we don't supply any details
ThrowIf.ArgumentIsNull(() => sessionDetails);
// Start the session
所以,我的理解是,如果我用一個使用塊,那麼單元的工作將在電話會議結束時處理。但事實並非如此。 就像我之前提到的,我有2個方法使用這個擁有的實例。它們是:
/// <summary>
/// Creates the Tropos user
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">The user to be created</param>
/// <param name="password">The password to set</param>
private async Task CreateTroposUserAsync(User model, string password)
// If there is no password, throw an error
ThrowIf.ArgumentIsNull(() => password);
// Get our master user
var user = await base.FindByNameAsync(model.Master);
// If we have no master user, throw an error
if (user == null) throw new ObjectNotFoundException();
// Create our session details
var sessionDetails = _troposSession.Value.Create(user);
// User our new user
using (var troposUnitOfWork = _paramatizedTroposUnitOfWork(sessionDetails))
// Create our tropos user service
var userService = new TroposUserService(troposUnitOfWork.Value);
// Create our user
var transaction = userService.Create(model);
// Save our changes (Don't throw an error if the user already exists)
} catch (Exception ex)
// Display human readable messages
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
// Sets the new users password
SetTroposPassword(model, password);
// Update the flag
model.HasTroposLogin = true;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the tropos password
/// </summary>
/// <param name="model">The user that needs the password setting</param>
/// <param name="password"></param>
private void SetTroposPassword(User model, string password)
// Create our session details
var sessionDetails = _troposSession.Value.Create(model.UserName);
// Create our anonymous session
using (var troposUnitOfWork = _paramatizedTroposUnitOfWork(sessionDetails))
// Create our tropos user service
var userService = new TroposUserService(troposUnitOfWork.Value);
// Set our password
var transaction = userService.ChangePassword(password);
// Save our changes
第一種方法不調用第二方法,但外使用塊。我在處理方法中放置了一個斷點,它只被命中一次。構造函數只被打一次。 有誰知道爲什麼?
我們需要看到_paramatizedTroposUnitOfWork的初始化解決類似的問題。哪個類具有CreateTroposUserAsync方法?我們需要看看那個班級的指揮員。你爲什麼要新的 –