function amazonEncode(s)
return Server.UrlEncode(s).replace(/\+/g,"%20").replace(/\%2E/g,".").replace(/\%2D/g,"-").replace(/\%7E/g,"~").replace(/\%5F/g,"_");
function amazonEncode(s)
dim retval
retval = Server.UrlEncode(s)
retval = replace(retval,"+","%20")
retval = replace(retval,"%2E",".")
retval = replace(retval,"%2D","-")
retval = replace(retval,"%7E","~")
retval = replace(retval,"%5F","_")
amazonEncode = retval
end function
Download the free C# 2010 Express and install it.
You also need to use two other tools that you won’t have a path to, so you will need to add the path to your PATH environment variable, so at a cmd prompt search for regasm.exe, guidgen.exe and sn.exe (you might find several versions – select the one with the latest date).
• cd\
• dir/s regasm.exe
• dir/s sn.exe
• dir/s guidgen.exe
So as an example, a COM object that has just one method which just returns 「Hello」:
Our eventual aim is to use it like this:
var x = Server.CreateObject("blah.whatever");
dim x
set x = Server.CreateObject("blah.whatever")
Response.Write x.someMethod()
• Start C# and create a new project
• Select 「Empty Project」
• Give it a name – this becomes the namespace by default (the blah in the sample above)
• Next save the project (so you know where to go for the next bit). This will create a folder structure like so:
o blah this contains your solution files that the editor needs (blah.sln etc)
blah this contains your source code and project files
• bin
o Debug the compiled output ends up here
• Next, using the cmd console, navigate to the root blah folder and create a key pair file:
sn –k key.snk
• Next you need a unique guid (enter guidgen at the cmd prompt)
o Select registry format
o Click 「New Guid」
o Click 「Copy」
• Back to C# editor – from the menu, select Project – Add Class
• Give it a name – this is the whatever in the sample above
• After the opening brace just after the namespace line type:
[GuidAttribute(「paste your guid here」)]
remove the curly brackets from your pasted guid
• You will need to add another 「using」 at the top
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
• Finally you need to create someMethod
The final C# code looks like this (the bits in red may be different in your version):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace blah
public class whatever
public string someMethod()
return "Hello";
• Next, from the menu, select Project – Properties
o On the left, select Application and, for the Output type dropdown, select 「Class Library」
o On the left, select Signing and tick the 「Sign the assembly」 box, then browse to the key.snk file you made earlier
o Save the properties (CTRL-S)
• Next build the dll (Press F6) – This will create a dll in the Debug folder
• Open a cmd window as administrator (right click cmd.exe and select 「Run as Administrator」)
• Navigate to the Debug folder and enter the following to register the assembly:
regasm blah.dll /tlb:blah.tlb /codebase blah
That’s it – the above is a genuine COM component and will work in other applications, the example below allows for event handling and only really works in ASP due to the default property mechanism of ASP:
// returns a base 64 encoded string that has been encrypted with SHA256
// parameters:
// s string to encrypt
// k key to use during encryption
public string getBase64SHA256(string s, string k)
HMACSHA256 sha = new HMACSHA256();
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
sha.Key = encoding.GetBytes(k);
byte[] hashBytes = sha.ComputeHash(encoding.GetBytes(s));
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);
// returns a base 64 encoded string that has been encrypted with SHA1
// parameters:
// s string to encrypt
// k key to use during encryption
public string getBase64SHA1(string s, string k)
HMACSHA1 sha = new HMACSHA1();
System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
sha.Key = encoding.GetBytes(k);
byte[] hashBytes = sha.ComputeHash(encoding.GetBytes(s));
return System.Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);
using System.Security.Cryptography;
簽名完全必須在計算SHA和B之前按字母順序包含所有查詢字符串名稱 - 值對BASE64。這裏是我的版本的簽名產生器功能:
function buildAmazonSignature(host,req,qstring)
var str="", i, arr = String(qstring).split("&");
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
arr[i] = arr[i].split("=");
for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
if (str != "")
str += "&";
str += arr[i][0] + "=" + arr[i][1];
str = "GET\n"+host+"\n"+req+"\n"+str;
var utils = Server.CreateObject("FMAG.Utils");
var b64 = utils.getBase64SHA256(str, "xxxxxxxxxx");
utils = null;
return amazonEncode(b64);
function amazonSortFunc(a,b)
return (a[0]<b[0])?-1:((a[0]>b[0])?1:0);
VBScript不具有很好的數組排序設施,所以你必須要繼續,一出自己 - 對不起
你有沒有設法找到你的問題克里斯? – TheCarver
還沒有:( –
)您好Chris,您是否註冊了Amazon S3服務以及AWS賬戶?請參閱此主題https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=45582 –