import os, sys, arcpy
InFolder = sys.argv[1] # make this a hard set path if you like
arcpy.env.workspace = InFolder
CapitalKeywordsToRemove = ["_AREAS","_LINES"]# MUST BE CAPITALS
DS_List = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("*.shp","ALL") # Get a list of the feature classes (shapefiles)
for ThisDS in DS_List:
NewName = ThisDS # set the new name to the old name
# replace key words, searching is case sensitive but I'm trying not to change the case
# of the name so the new name is put together from the original name with searching in
# upper case, use as many key words as you like
for CapKeyWord in CapitalKeywordsToRemove:
if CapKeyWord in NewName.upper():
# remove the instance of CapKeyWord without changing the case
NewName = NewName[0:NewName.upper().find(CapKeyWord)] + NewName[NewName.upper().find(CapKeyWord) + len(CapKeyWord):]
if NewName != ThisDS:
if not arcpy.Exists(NewName):
arcpy.AddMessage("Renaming " + ThisDS + " to " + NewName)
arcpy.Rename_management(ThisDS , NewName)
arcpy.AddWarning("Cannot rename, " + NewName + " already exists")
arcpy.AddMessage("Retaining " + ThisDS)
如果你沒有ArcPy中讓我知道,我將它改變爲直接的python ...還有一點,但它並不困難。
你有什麼這麼遠嗎? – 2014-09-24 00:04:14
從標籤看起來你正在使用python,那麼爲什麼你不告訴我們你的代碼到目前爲止,以及你在哪裏遇到麻煩? – Ajean 2014-09-24 00:06:18