2011-08-31 121 views

How to log into Facebook programmatically using Java?如何使用Java代碼登錄Facebook?

package facebook; 

import java.net.*; 
import java.io.*; 

public class LoginWebsites 
    private static final String POST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_ACTION_NAME = "Login"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "email"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME = "pass"; 

    private static final String LOGIN_USER_NAME = "[email protected]"; 
    private static final String LOGIN_PASSWORD = "[email protected]"; 

    * The single public method of this class that 
    * 1. Prepares a login message 
    * 2. Makes the HTTP POST to the target URL 
    * 3. Reads and returns the response 
    * @throws IOException 
    * Any problems while doing the above. 
    public String httpPostLogin (String TARGET_URL) 
     String response=""; 
      // Prepare the content to be written 
      // throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
      String urlEncodedContent = preparePostContent(LOGIN_USER_NAME, LOGIN_PASSWORD); 

      HttpURLConnection urlConnection = doHttpPost(TARGET_URL, urlEncodedContent); 

      response = readResponse(urlConnection); 

     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("Problems encounterd."); 
     return response; 

    * Using the given username and password, and using the static string variables, prepare 
    * the login message. Note that the username and password will encoded to the 
    * UTF-8 standard. 
    * @param loginUserName 
    * The user name for login 
    * @param loginPassword 
    * The password for login 
    * @return 
    * The complete login message that can be HTTP Posted 
    * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
    * Any problems during URL encoding 
    private String preparePostContent(String loginUserName, String loginPassword) throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
     // Encode the user name and password to UTF-8 encoding standard 
     // throws UnsupportedEncodingException 
     String encodedLoginUserName = URLEncoder.encode(loginUserName, "UTF-8"); 
     String encodedLoginPassword = URLEncoder.encode(loginPassword, "UTF-8"); 

     String content = "login=" + LOGIN_ACTION_NAME +" &" + LOGIN_USER_NAME_PARAMETER_NAME +"=" 
     + encodedLoginUserName + "&" + LOGIN_PASSWORD_PARAMETER_NAME + "=" + encodedLoginPassword; 

     return content; 


    * Makes a HTTP POST to the target URL by using an HttpURLConnection. 
    * @param targetUrl 
    * The URL to which the HTTP POST is made. 
    * @param content 
    * The contents which will be POSTed to the target URL. 
    * @return 
    * The open URLConnection which can be used to read any response. 
    * @throws IOException 
    public HttpURLConnection doHttpPost(String targetUrl, String content) throws IOException 
     HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null; 
     DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null; 
      // Open a connection to the target URL 
      // throws IOException 
      urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(targetUrl).openConnection()); 

      // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for input 

      // Specifying that we intend to use this connection for output 

      // Specifying the content type of our post 
      urlConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", POST_CONTENT_TYPE); 

      // Specifying the method of HTTP request which is POST 
      // throws ProtocolException 

      // Prepare an output stream for writing data to the HTTP connection 
      // throws IOException 
      dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream()); 

      // throws IOException 

      return urlConnection; 
     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("I/O problems while trying to do a HTTP post."); 

      // Good practice: clean up the connections and streams 
      // to free up any resources if possible 
      if (dataOutputStream != null) 
       catch(Throwable ignore) 
        // Cannot do anything about problems while 
        // trying to clean up. Just ignore 
      if (urlConnection != null) 

      // throw the exception so that the caller is aware that 
      // there was some problems 
      throw ioException; 

    * Read response from the URL connection 
    * @param urlConnection 
    * The URLConncetion from which the response will be read 
    * @return 
    * The response read from the URLConnection 
    * @throws IOException 
    * When problems encountered during reading the response from the 
    * URLConnection. 
    private String readResponse(HttpURLConnection urlConnection) throws IOException 

     BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; 
      // Prepare a reader to read the response from the URLConnection 
      // throws IOException 
      bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream())); 
      String responeLine; 

      // Good Practice: Use StringBuilder in this case 
      StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); 

      // Read untill there is nothing left in the stream 
      // throws IOException 
      while ((responeLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) 

      return response.toString(); 
     catch(IOException ioException) 
      System.out.println("Problems while reading the response"); 

      // throw the exception so that the caller is aware that 
      // there was some problems 
      throw ioException; 

      // Good practice: clean up the connections and streams 
      // to free up any resources if possible 
      if (bufferedReader != null) 
        // throws IOException 
       catch(Throwable ignore) 
        // Cannot do much with exceptions doing clean up 
        // Ignoring all exceptions 


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