我想算例如之間的所有記錄15:00和15:59(這一切可以通過從其他一天,一個月或一年)。我怎樣才能做到這一點?Django的 -
我想算例如之間的所有記錄15:00和15:59(這一切可以通過從其他一天,一個月或一年)。我怎樣才能做到這一點?Django的 -
您可以將日期時間字段轉換成Julian Dates ,然後做一個直接比較:
# Input is a list with the time of all the records, t_record_all
# Loop over all the records
counter = 0
jd_low = ... #(this is your lower time limit in JD)
jd_hi = ... # (this is your higher time limit in JD)
for t_record in t_record_all:
# Convert the time to julian date format
jd_record = ... #(do your conversion here)
if (jd_low <= jd_record <= jd_hi):
# increment record counter
counter = counter + 1
print counter
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/917996/how-do-i-filter-by-time- IN-A-日期時間場 – 2010-05-31 12:13:59