2016-02-19 34 views

我有一個遊戲服務器,它具有聊天功能並將所有玩家的聊天消息記錄到我的數據庫。我試圖創建一個自動更新數據但不是表本身的表格,這是因爲在我的桌子上我想要一個每個玩家的動作下拉列表(從服務器,禁止玩家,靜音玩家,巴掌玩家等等的踢球員) 。)但我的JavaScript代碼在這一刻刷新整個表每5秒。所以,如果我打開我的下拉列表,當表格刷新時它將關閉下拉列表,此時我已經將下拉列表更改爲一個按鈕,因爲這個問題。PHP表自動更新數據但不是表



<?php require 'session.php'; 
require 'header.php'; ?> 

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); // This part addresses an IE bug. without it, IE will only load the first number and will never refresh 
    setInterval(function() { 
    }, 3000); // refresh rate in milliseconds. 
// ]]></script> 
<div id="results">Loading data ...</div> 

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[ 
$(document).ready(function() { 
    $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); // This part addresses an IE bug. without it, IE will only load the first number and will never refresh 
    setInterval(function() { 
    }, 3000); // refresh rate in milliseconds. 
// ]]></script> 
<div id="results2">Loading data ...</div>
include 'database.php'; 

// Create connection 
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); 
// Check connection 
if ($conn->connect_error) { 
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error); 

$sql = "SELECT *,current_clients.CID AS con_id FROM current_clients INNER JOIN groups ON current_clients.Level = groups.level Order By Team DESC, Score DESC"; 
$result = $conn->query($sql); 
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); 

if ($result->num_rows > 0) { 
    echo "<div id=left>"; 
    echo "<table class=table align=center><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Rank</th><th>Score</th><th>IP</th><th>Action</th></tr>"; 
    // output data of each row 
    while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { 
     // $team = str_replace("3","<tr bgcolor=midnightblue>",$team); 
     // $team = str_replace("2","<tr bgcolor=darkred>",$team); 
     // $team = str_replace("1","<tr bgcolor=grey>",$team); 
     $name = str_replace("^0","</font><font color=black>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^1","</font><font color=red>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^2","</font><font color=lime>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^3","</font><font color=yellow>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^4","</font><font color=blue>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^5","</font><font color=aqua>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^6","</font><font color=#FF00FF>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^7","</font><font color=white>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^8","</font><font color=white>",$name); 
     $name = str_replace("^9","</font><font color=gray>",$name); 
     //echo $team; 
     echo "<td align=center> $id </td>"; 
     echo "<td align=center><a href='user.php?id=".$row["DBID"]."' > $name </a></td>"; 
     echo "<td align=center> $group </td>"; 
     echo "<td align=center> $score </td>"; 
     echo "<td align=center> $ip </td>"; 
     echo "<td align=center>"; 
     echo "<form action=q3/slap.php?id=$id method=POST><button type=submit>Slap</button></form>"; 
     echo "</td>"; 
     echo "</tr>"; 
    echo "</table>"; 
} else { 
    echo "<table class=table align=center><tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Rank</th><th>Score</th><th>IP</th><th>Action</th></tr>"; 
    echo "<tr>"; 
    echo "<td>"; 
    echo "There are no players online"; 
    echo "</td>"; 
    echo "</tr>"; 
    echo "</table>"; 
    echo "</div>"; 

我的 「在線玩家」 表上面。





服務器24/7連續有玩家,所以桌子不斷更新:S – BrenLib