2017-02-14 41 views





你是新來引導? –


去年我一直在使用它。所以,我猜想有點新。 – Ginjo


看看這似乎是好的:http://codepen.io/Sky-123/pen/XpGWNX –




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<div class="container testimonials-parent"> 
    <h1>Masonry CSS with Bootstrap</h1> 
    <div class="row"> 
      <div class="item col-md-4 col-lg-4"> 
        <p>Fun : My son enjoys it. It did surprise me when it went from adding to 「less than」 and 「greater than.」</p> 
        <footer>Dayna from United States about GS Kids! Preschool Numbers (Windows Store) on Sep 29, 2014</footer> 
      <div class="item col-md-4 col-lg-4"> 
        <p>Happy daughter and happy parents : Not glitchy, very encouraging for children, rewarding, entertaining, and best of all its educational. My daughter is transitioning between pre-k skills to kindergarten and this as well as other GS apps seem perfect. Will be upgrading.</p> 
        <footer>Robertson from United States about GS Kids! Preschool Numbers (Windows Store) on Sep 09, 2014</footer> 
      <div class="item col-md-4 col-lg-4"> 
        <p>Wow app : Great app for kids to learn and fancy their imagination.</p> 
        <footer>Ramanjit from India about GS Kids Paint &amp; Learn (Windows Store) on July 19, 2014</footer> 
    <div class="row"> 
      <div class="item col-md-4"> 
        <p>Love : we love coloring. Its great for us!!!</p> 
        <footer>Alfredo from United States about GS Kids Paint &amp; Learn (Windows Store) on Feb 05, 2014</footer> 
      <div class="item col-md-4"> 
        <p>My girls’ go to game : This is the app my 3yo picks every time she’s allowed on my computer. Sometimes the 「crayon」 will get stuck, but overall, it’s been a great app for her and her big sisters.</p> 
        <footer>Sandy from United States about GS Kids Paint &amp; Learn (Windows Store) on Feb 14, 2014</footer> 
      <div class="item col-md-4"> 
        <p>Good for learning Alphabets : My son is enjoying painting and learning Alphabets.</p> 
        <footer>Sulabha from India about GS Kids Paint &amp; Learn (Windows Store) on July 29, 2014</footer> 


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Aakash Thakur提出了相同的解決方案,但這不能解決問題,因爲它創造了一個新的。數據可能會有所不同,因爲它來自數據庫。所以有時我們可能有1條記錄或多達50條。這些項目應該在各自的列中彼此疊置。使用上面的代碼,其基本上是硬編碼的每一行。這妨礙了正確堆疊的能力​​。 – Ginjo