sub trim($)
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^\s+//;
# =~ : regex on variable string
# s/ : replace match with value
# ^\s+ : one or more white space characters at beginning
# // : no characters
$string =~ s/\s+$//;
# =~ : regex on variable $string
# s/ : replace match with value
# \s+$ : one or more white space characters until end of line
# // : no characters
return $string;
'=〜'和'///'記錄在perlop [here](http://perldoc.perl.org/perlop.html#Binding-Operators)和[here](http:// perldoc .perl.org/perlop.html#S%2f_PATTERN_%2f_REPLACEMENT_%2fmsixpodualngcer)。如果你的系統上安裝了perldoc,你甚至可以通過運行'perldoc perlop'在本地查看文檔。 [perlretut](http://perldoc.perl.org/perlretut.html)和[perlre](http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html)是理解正則表達式的好資源。 – ThisSuitIsBlackNot
另外,您應該在自己的代碼中通常[避免原型](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/297034/why-are-perl-5s-function-prototypes-bad)。而不是'修剪($){...}'做修剪{...}' – ThisSuitIsBlackNot