我已經完成了我認爲需要做的整個序列,但在嘗試在本地複製我的文件時,我仍然得到invalid argument type error
[email protected]:~$ aws s3 ls s://bucketname-vagrant
A client error (NoSuchBucket) occurred when calling the ListObjects operation: The specified bucket does not exist
[email protected]:~$ aws s3 ls bucketname-vagrant
2015-03-30 14:06:02 285061467 or_vagrant.sql.tar.gz
2015-03-30 13:55:01 102642228 or_vagrant.sql.xz
[email protected]:~$ aws s3 ls bucketname-vagrant/or_vagrant.sql.xz
2015-03-30 13:55:01 102642228 or_vagrant.sql.xz
[email protected]:~$ aws s3 cp bucketname-vagrant/or_vagrant.sql.xz /tmp/
usage: aws s3 cp <LocalPath> <S3Path> or <S3Path> <LocalPath> or <S3Path> <S3Path>
Error: Invalid argument type