2016-07-27 40 views

我試圖做一個VBA代碼來將n集的k元素子集排列成某個序列。換句話說,我試圖列出所有k-permutations of n成員集。例如,讓我們嘗試列出2-permutations of set {A,B,C},其中每個字符都位於Range("A1:C1")的單元格中。這裏是所有排列:VBA Excel中的部分排列生成器的陣列版本

{A,B}  {A,C}  {B,A}  {B,C}  {C,A}  {C,B} 


Sub Permutation() 
Dim Data_Input As Variant, Permutation_Output As Variant 
Dim Output_Row As Long, Last_Column As Long 

Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).Clear 
Last_Column = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
Data_Input = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Range("A1", Cells(1, Last_Column)))) 

k = InputBox("Input the value of k for P(" _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " , k) where k is an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive.", "Permutation", 1) 

If k >= 2 And k <= UBound(Data_Input) Then 
    Output_Row = 2 
    ReDim Permutation_Output(1 To k) 
    Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, 1) 
    MsgBox "The input [" & k & "] is invalid. The input must be an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive." 
End If 

End Sub 

Function Permutation_Generator(Data_Input As Variant, Permutation_Output As Variant, _ 
           Output_Row As Long, Output_Index As Integer) 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, P As Boolean 

For i = 1 To UBound(Data_Input) 
    P = True 
    For j = 1 To Output_Index - 1 
     If Permutation_Output(j) = Data_Input(i) Then 
      P = False 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next j 
    If P Then 
     Permutation_Output(Output_Index) = Data_Input(i) 
     If Output_Index = k Then 
      Output_Row = Output_Row + 1 
      Range("A" & Output_Row).Resize(, k) = Permutation_Output 
      Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, Output_Index + 1) 
     End If 
    End If 
Next i 
End Function 


Option Explicit 
Public k As Variant, Permutation_Table As Variant 
Sub Permutation() 
Dim Data_Input, Permutation_Output 
Dim Output_Row As Long, Last_Column As Long 

Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).Clear 
Last_Column = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
Data_Input = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Range("A1", Cells(1, Last_Column)))) 

k = InputBox("Input the value of k for P(" _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " , k) where k is an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive.", "Permutation", 1) 

ReDim Permutation_Table(1 To Output_Row - 2, 1 To k) 

If k >= 2 And k <= UBound(Data_Input) Then 
    Output_Row = 2 
    ReDim Permutation_Output(1 To k) 
    Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, 1) 
    MsgBox "The input [" & k & "] is invalid. The input must be an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive." 
End If 
Range("A3", Cells(Output_Row - 2, k)) = Permutation_Table 
End Sub 

Function Permutation_Generator(Data_Input As Variant, Permutation_Output As Variant, _ 
           Output_Row As Long, Output_Index As Integer) 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, n As Long, P As Boolean 

For i = 1 To UBound(Data_Input) 
    P = True 
    For j = 1 To Output_Index - 1 
     If Permutation_Output(j) = Data_Input(i) Then 
      P = False 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next j 
    If P Then 
     Permutation_Output(Output_Index) = Data_Input(i) 
     If Output_Index = k Then 
      Output_Row = Output_Row + 1 
      For n = 1 To k 
      Permutation_Table(Output_Row, n) = Permutation_Output(n) 
      Next n 
      Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, Output_Index + 1) 
     End If 
    End If 
Next i 
End Function 

不幸的是,我在嘗試修復它時遇到了一些錯誤。我遇到的最後一個錯誤是運行時錯誤'7'。我希望這裏的某個人能夠幫助我解決這個問題,並且爲了製作一個好的部分字謎生成器,它可以幫助我更好地完成它,也就是說,如果有重複的字符,它必須能夠工作。例如,我們測試以列出名稱中的所有字符:ANAThe output應該是ANA,AANNAA,但我的代碼什麼也沒有返回。對於2-permutations of my name應該ANAA,並NA但我的代碼返回ANNAAN,並NA如果有人在這裏可以幫助我,我會永遠感激。




Dim k As Long, Permutation_Table 
Sub Permutation() 
Dim Data_Input, Permutation_Output 
Dim Output_Row As Long, Last_Column As Long, Array_Row As Long 

Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).Clear 
Last_Column = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column 
Data_Input = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Range("A1", Cells(1, Last_Column)))) 

k = InputBox("Input the value of k for P(" _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " , k) where k is an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive.", "Permutation", 1) 

Array_Row = WorksheetFunction.Fact(k) * WorksheetFunction.Combin(UBound(Data_Input), k) 

ReDim Permutation_Table(1 To Array_Row, 1 To k) 

If k >= 2 And k <= UBound(Data_Input) Then 
    ReDim Permutation_Output(1 To k) 
    Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, 1) 
    MsgBox "The input [" & k & "] is invalid. The input must be an integer between 2 and " _ 
    & UBound(Data_Input) & " inclusive." 
End If 
Range("A3").Resize(Array_Row, k) = Permutation_Table 'Use this line if UBound(Data_Input) < 10 
End Sub 

Function Permutation_Generator(Data_Input As Variant, Permutation_Output As Variant, _ 
           Output_Row As Long, Output_Index As Integer) 
Dim i As Long, j As Long, P As Boolean 

For i = 1 To UBound(Data_Input) 
    P = True 
    For j = 1 To Output_Index - 1 
     If Permutation_Output(j) = Data_Input(i) Then 
      P = False 
      Exit For 
     End If 
    Next j 
    If P Then 
     Permutation_Output(Output_Index) = Data_Input(i) 
     If Output_Index = k Then 
      Output_Row = Output_Row + 1 
      For n = 1 To k 
       Permutation_Table(Output_Row, n) = Permutation_Output(n) 
      Next n 
      Debug.Print Join(Permutation_Output, ",") 'Optional, use this line as the output if UBound(Data_Input) > 9 
      Call Permutation_Generator(Data_Input, Permutation_Output, Output_Row, Output_Index + 1) 
     End If 
    End If 
Next i 
End Function 
