2010-11-30 50 views


SELECT COUNT(c1.ContactId) as CommonContact, c2.UserId 
from Contacts as c1 
inner join Contacts as c2 on c1.ContactId = c2.ContactId 
Where c1.UserId = @Id AND c2.UserId != @Id 
AND c2.UserId NOT IN (SELECT ContactId from Contacts Where UserId = @Id) 
Group By c2.UserId 
ORDER BY CommonContact Desc 




我會建議在連接表中添加一些標識字段,這將使多對多成爲一對多,多對一的關係,您將能夠很好地查詢它們。實際上,從來沒有真正的多對多關係,因爲我們總是有一些額外的屬性和連接。就像創建或更新關係和它的狀態,激活,阻止等一樣。 – 2013-07-23 20:20:16




public class Test 
     //simulate an IQueryable 
     private readonly IQueryable<Person> _people = new List<Person>().AsQueryable(); 

     public void FindContactMatchCount(Guid personId) 
      //we'll need the list of id's of the users contacts for comparison, we don't need to resolve this yet though so 
      //we'll leave it as an IQueryable and not turn it into a collection 
      IQueryable<Guid> idsOfContacts = _people.Where(x => x.Id == personId).SelectMany(x => x.Contacts.Select(v => v.Id)); 

      //find all the people who have a contact id that matches the selected users list of contact id's 
      //then project the results, this anonymous projection has two properties, the person and the contact count 
      var usersWithMatches = _people 
       .Where(x => idsOfContacts.Contains(x.Id)) 
       .Select(z => new 
         Person = z, //this is the person record from the database, we'll need to extract display information 
         SharedContactCount = z.Contacts.Count(v => idsOfContacts.Contains(v.Id)) // 
        }).OrderBy(z => z.SharedContactCount) 