2017-04-07 18 views


class ViewController: UIViewController { 

    var somevar : Int? 

    override func viewDidLoad() { 
     somevar! = Int(5) // why 5 is not assigned to somevar here 




class ViewController: UIViewController { 

    var somevar : Int? 

    override func viewDidLoad() { 
     somevar? = 5 // this command will be ignored bcz somevar is nil 


somevar! = 5 

fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value


class ViewController: UIViewController { 

    var somevar : Int? 

    override func viewDidLoad() { 
     somevar! = 5 

爲var賦值的正確方法是'somevar = 5'而不是'somevar? = 5' –



當我們做something!(強調馬克),我們是 「力閱讀」(力展開)可選。



var somevar: Int? 

// Code explodes! 

// Output is "nil" 

somevar = 5 

// Output is "5" 

// Output is "Optional(5)" 

作爲@LeoDabus說明,本是覆蓋在Apple's awesome Swift book


謝謝你,反斜槓! – user2259784


@LeoDabus考慮到這個問題並沒有什麼區別,但我明白你的觀點並相應地改變了我的答案。謝謝。 –


另外「力量閱讀」(力量解開)=金子! :)(提及澄清了很多) 翻閱本書 – user2259784


給予一定的顏色是什麼somevar? = 5在做什麼。

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play 

import Foundation 

// In swift you have to unwrap an optional before you can do anything with it 
var x: Int? = 1 
var y: Int? = 2 

// So you can't do this 
//var z = x + y 

// You have to do this 
if let x = x, 
    let y = y { 
    // Here x and y are no longer of the type Int? they are of the type Int 
    var z = x + y 

// You don't have to name them the same 
if let someX = x, 
    let someY = y { 
    // Here x and y are no longer of the type Int? they are of the type Int 
    var z = someX + someY 

// This can be a pain sometimes if you want to "do nothing" in the nil case, or want to unwrap something multiple "levels" 
// of optionals deep. For example: 

struct Pet { 
    let name: String 

struct Person { 
    let pet: Pet? 

var person: Person? = Person(pet: Pet(name: "Rex")) 

// To get the person's pet's name we have to unwrap a few things 
if let person = person, 
    let pet = person.pet { 
    print("The pet's name is \(pet.name)") 

// We can do this a little easier by using "Optional Chaining" 
if let name = person?.pet?.name { 
    print("The pet's name is \(name)") 

// So here's where your problem comes in 
var number: Int? = nil 

// This is "optional chaining" the assignment of 5 to number. But, because number is current nil the assignment won't happen. 
number? = 5 

// However 
number = 5 

// Now the number is 5 

number? = 10 

// Now the number is 10, because the optional chaining succeded because number was not nil. All this being said, I've never 
// seen someone use x? = 5 in production code, and I can't think of a reason to do that. Just do x = 5 like the other 
// answers have said. 

TL; DR,somevar? = 5使用可選的鏈接,只設置somevar5如果不是nil


謝謝安德魯的解釋。 – user2259784
