你不需要安裝完整的cygwin,這個批處理文件中顯示的小目錄結構就足夠了。還有就是要「嫁」 Cygwin和膩子,世界需要一個小幫手:cygnative.exe
rem This is file: rsync_some_winfiles_to_linux_with_pagent.bat
rem This is what I want:
rem Windows with Putty+Pagent -> rsync -> Linux
rem pagent.exe is already loaded with my ssh-key
rem This ssh-key shall make the authentication to the remote rsyncd/Linux
rem Environment for this Batch-file:
rem plink.exe for Windows, derived from cygwin
rem download here:
rem http://it-em.net/joomla/downloads/rsync.zip
rem with german dokumentation in http://it-em.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=49&Itemid=54cms/front_content.php
rem cygnative.exe is needed from plink.exe (putty-suite)
rem so that plink.exe works together wird rsync.exe
rem download cygnative here:
rem http://diario.beerensalat.info/2009/08/18/new_cygnative_version_1_2_for_rsync_plink.html
rem Filetree looks like this:
rem + copy_win_inifiles_to_linux_via_rsync_with_pagent.bat
rem + bin/
rem + rsync.exe
rem + cygwin1.dll # needed from rsync.exe
rem + cygiconv-2.dll # needed from rsync.exe
rem + cyggcc_s-1.dll # needed from rsync.exe
rem + cygnative.exe # standalone-program
rem + plink.exe # from putty-suite, standalone-program
rem + some-files-dir/ # Here are the file which shall be transferred
rem + bla.txt
rem + foo.txt
rem our current working is the same where this bat-file is
set SRC_DIR=./some_files_dir/
set DST_USER=www-data
set DST_SERVER=your-destination-server-with-ssh.example.com
set DST_PORT=23765
set DST_DIR=/var/www/...what-you-like/some_files_dir
bin\rsync.exe -v -d --delete -e="./bin/cygnative.exe ./bin/plink.exe -P %DST_PORT%" %SRC_DIR% %DST_USER%@%DST_SERVER%:%DST_DIR%
爲'cygnative.exe'鏈接是死。以下是我設法找到的幾個備選方案:[this gist](https://gist.github.com/silviuvulcan/7609c438f6ab5e51c8d19890e949565f)和[此zip](http://franklinstrube.com/wp-content/uploads /2013/03/cygnative1.2.zip)。我已經使用了zip中包含的可執行文件,但是我無法爲任何源文件擔保。原作者似乎已將他的博客取消,但他的網站是[這裏](http://frank-behrens.de)。 – starfry