var $ = function (id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
window.onload = function() {
// set up the list display
var categories = $("categories");
var h2Elements = categories.getElementsByTagName("h2");
var h2Node;
for (var i = 0; i < h2Elements.length; i++) {
h2Node = h2Elements[i];
// Attach event handler
h2Node.onclick = function() {
var h2 = this; // h2 is the current headingNode object
if (h2.getAttribute("class") == "plus") {
h2.setAttribute("class", "minus");
else {
h2.setAttribute("class", "plus");
if (h2.nextElementSibling.getAttribute("class") == "closed") {
h2.nextElementSibling.setAttribute("class", "open");
else {
h2.nextElementSibling.setAttribute("class", "closed");
var linkElements = h2.nextElementSibling.firstChild.childNodes;
$("image").setAttribute("src", "");
// needed for IE so a placeholder isn't displayed for the image
$("image").setAttribute("style", "display:none;");
// set up the image display
var listNode = $("categories");
var imageNode = $("image");
var texto = $("texto");
var imageLinks = listNode.getElementsByTagName("a");
var array = ["text1", "text2", "text3", "text4", "text5", "text6", "text7", "text8", "text9", "text10", "text11", "text12"];
// Process image links
var i, linkNode, image;
for (i = 0; i < imageLinks.length; i++) {
linkNode = imageLinks[i];
for(var j = 0 ; j < array.length; j++){
linkNodeArray = array[j];
// Attach event handler
linkNode.onclick = function (evt) {
var link = this; // link is the linkNode
var mitexto = this;
imageNode.src = link.getAttribute("href");
texto.innerHTML = linkNodeArray;
// needed for IE to display the image
imageNode.setAttribute("style", "display:block;");
// Cancel the default action of the event
if (!evt) { evt = window.event; }
if (evt.preventDefault) {
evt.preventDefault(); // DOM compliant code
else {
evt.returnValue = false;
// Preload image
image = new Image();
image.src = linkNode.getAttribute("href");
有什麼不對的電流輸出?這有點不清楚。 – Scott
@Scott我的程序運行的很好,但我想添加一個功能,當用戶點擊一個鏈接例如「Murach的HTML5和CSS3」時,我應該得到圖片以及圖片右下方的text1等 – HenryDev