2016-11-16 196 views


public class BinarySearch extends SearchAlgorithm 
    public int search (String [] words, String wordToFind) throws ItemNotFoundException { 
    int lowIndex = 0; 
    int highIndex = words.length - 1; 
    while (lowIndex <= highIndex) { 
     int midIndex = (lowIndex + highIndex)/2; 
     if ((words[midIndex]).equals(wordToFind)) { 
      return midIndex; 
     if (wordToFind.compareTo(words[midIndex]) > 0) { //wordToFind > midIndex 
      lowIndex = midIndex + 1; 
     if (wordToFind.compareTo(words[midIndex]) < 0) { //wordToFind < midIndex 
      highIndex = midIndex - 1; 
    return -1; 



DISCIPLINES found at index: 11780 taking 0 comparisons. 
TRANSURANIUM found at index: 43920 taking 0 comparisons. 
HEURISTICALLY found at index: 18385 taking 0 comparisons. 
FOO found at index: -1 taking 0 comparisons. 

DISCIPLINES found at index: 11780 taking 0 comparisons. 
TRANSURANIUM found at index: 43920 taking 0 comparisons. 
HEURISTICALLY found at index: -1 taking 0 comparisons. 
FOO found at index: -1 taking 0 comparisons. 

哪一個是正確的? –


「單詞」的內容是什麼?你的線性搜索說,他們沒有發現。 – Mritunjay


建議對字符串使用'.equals'而不是== ==,數組是否被排序? – nullpointer




int midIndex = (lowIndex + highIndex)/2; 
while (lowIndex <= highIndex) {  
    if ((words[midIndex]).equals(wordToFind)) { //use equals 
     return midIndex; 
    if (wordToFind.compareTo(words[midIndex]) > 0) { //wordToFind > midIndex 
     lowIndex = midIndex + 1; 
    if (wordToFind.compareTo(words[midIndex]) < 0) { //wordToFind < midIndex 
     highIndex = midIndex - 1; 
// getting rid of infinite loop when the value is not in the list 
    if (lowIndex==highIndex && !wordToFind.compareTo(words[midIndex]) { 
     return -1; 
    midIndex = (lowIndex + highIndex)/2; // notice removing lowindex++ 

lowIndex++while裏面,因爲那是不考慮BS的更新lowIndex algorithn更新基於與midIndex值進行比較的指標是不是必需的。


如果搜索詞不在數組中,在while條件中使用'<='將導致無限循環。 –


謝謝,工作!你能簡單解釋一下爲什麼/如何? – iloveprogramming


@JimGarrison更新了無限循環條件的返回 – nullpointer